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Uniform insignia/patches/flags

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A while ago I can remember the arsenal had an option below watches to set the uniform insignia of a unit. I remember using the Iraqi/Syrian conflict mod and there was Iraqi army and peshmerga patches as well as many others.


I'm trying to make loadouts for a Syrian SF team and the option to add insignia is gone. Am I missing something? Has it moved to the "attributes" section in the editor? I've looked all over and can't find it.

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It's only accessible in an 'unlocked/full access' Arsenal, rather than the default Arsenal. The difference is that one allows you to modify faces, voices and insignias whereas the default limited Arsenal does not. 


This is the arsenal code you should place in the object-


this addAction ["Open Virtual Arsenal", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}]; 


It is also in editor, but I think it may be part of an extension mod like 3DEN, and is not a default option?

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I believe it's still available if you do it through the menu arsenal .. i could be wrong, I seem to remember they removed it from the Eden Arsenal


i mean you could always just use this 


@jarrad96 is onto it :D

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Nevermind I found it! When in the editor click on the unit and go to "attributes" and scroll down to Object: Identity and it's under Insignia!

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