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3d object editing

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Hello guys, 


I am novice at creating/converting 3d models to arma 3 via Object Builder. Normaly I create and edit 3d objects and textures with AC3D editor which is fine for me. 



How to set "borders" to object, because when I created any object, in game you can go throught it. You can see it visually but practicaly is it possible to walk throught it and fire with no problem. I want make some complex structure where you can walk and go inside.


Thank you very much for help,




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You need a Geometry LOD.


To create a new LOD, right click on the LODs windows and click on "new" then right click on the new created LOD and click on "properties" to set the type of LOD.


Each LOD requires specific geometries :

- Triangulated/not triangulated

- Convexity allowed/not allowed

- named vertices groups

- ...


Everything is written in the wiki.


I would recommend you Blender with Alwarren's Arma Toolbox for Blender wich makes p3d creation pipe simplier.



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