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Random start for AI - Using markers ??

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I use to use the random start option. By placing several markerts and then linking them to an AI.  He would then begin at any of those locations randomly.  However, I can't get that to work since last few updates.  I have an AI man.  I place 3 markers on map. I then click my AI guy and say set to random marker (linking each three places back to him. From marker to him).  Yet when game starts he is just on the map where placed. Not in any of those locations.  On occasion he will go to one them. But on most he is just on the map where placed??

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Note that the position the unit starts at is also considered one of the random positions, so in your example of an AI with 3 markers, that is 4 random positions.


If you are trying random groups of units, that has not worked since the switch to Eden (only the leader is ever moved, the rest have to walk)  - You can't randomise group positions using markers.




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Place a ammo box on the map and name it  box 1


Place 9 markers on the map and connect them to the box using "random" connection. The box will now start at 1 of 10 places at random - its original place or one of the 9 markers.


Place a soldier on the map - the group leader - and name him blue1


In the box write some simple code:  blue1  setpos  getpos  box1.


Place a second soldier on the map - blue2 - and group him to the leader.


In that box write more code:  blue2  setpos  getpos  box1.


blue1  and blue2  will always start together at one of 10 places at random.


Using the hide command you can hide the box so that you cannot see it.


There are other commands so that blue 2 does not start right on top of blue1.  You can set the position of blue2, blue3  etc to start to the left or right of and behind blue1  in an arrowhead formation.












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