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Count group size from BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle units

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I'm trying to count the group size "west" of vehicle spawned by BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle so that it stop after reaching a certain amount. 

if (side _team == west && (count units group west < 3)) then
aircrafts = [[((Position _base select 0) + sin (random 360) * (random 50)), ((Position _base select 1) + cos (random 360) * (random 50))], (_dir), "A10", west] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

but I'm getting this error

 Error position: <group west < 3)) then
  Error group: Type Side, expected Object


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I'm using this in Mission_CaptureAI.sqf, does count group _team return the size  of warfare AI team, or the A10 team?

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It will return whichever is defined as _team in the script, I would think it would be the Warfare AI team.  But I don't know what custom you've added.  West is a side, it can't be used as a variable identifying a team.  Something like West1 or grpWest can be used to identify a team.

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