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Terrain Builder Layers Issues

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Hey all,

I've been making terrains for a while now, haven't published any yet but I have gotten them to load into Arma without problems.

I took a few months off of working on terrains.

Now I am back at it, but I am wondering what is up with Terrain builder.

Previously, when I made a new "Map frame" I would see a blue outline.

I am not seeing this anymore.  Wondering if they removed that or if I'm having an issue.

Also, I'm not seeing my attributes and texture maps in the scene view.  I am able to load them into layers but I don't see them on the overlay and I'll need to so I can put down roads etc.

This is the first 20480x20480 map I've tried to make so if anyone has advice about what formats/sizes to export from L3DT let me know.  I have used BMP in the past without problems but I'm wondering now.  


It's worth mentioning that I had issues with TB when I first loaded it after not using it for a while.  I had to go back and clean up my P drive somewhat and also repair my tools installation.  

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Can you post pics of your map frame properties box. All tabs please 

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7 hours ago, m1lkm8n said:

Can you post pics of your map frame properties box. All tabs please 


This is what I've got going on, also I was able to compile the map and load it into Arma even.  But I still can't see the satmap or atb map in TB.  Kinda wierd!

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Press the buttons at the top to show height map or sat map etc. Also under one of the menu's is show mapframe

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Sometimes it's the simple things :happy:

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