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Project Wingman - an Ace Combat style game. For free.

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I won't call myself an Ace Combat fan (though there are some aspects of the series I appreciate and enjoy) but when just a couple of days ago I found out about this game by a pure accident, it somehow managed to immediately grab my attention. Probably because, while it is still in early alpha and therefore there's a noticeable lack of content (four planes, one mission), it already possesses a solid, playable and enjoyable gameplay. Graphics (though as a player I never cared much about graphics) are on a quite satisfactory level (it's UE4), no noticeable bugs, FPS are high and stable and there're some nice features built-in already - like changing FOV by simply scrolling a mouse wheel or pretty good mouse control regime. Right now you can get it for free here: https://rb-d2.itch.io/wingman


For the lack of trailers and teasers here's some raw gameplay footage:



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Unfortunately my machine can't handle it, but it's great to see games like ace combat still come out

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