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=242= CPT. Helios

ArmA 3 Launcher - Adding Suggested Addons

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I'm running an ArmA 3 RHS Server at I'd like to suggest STUI mod to be run by players, but not have this mod running on the server. I would prefer to keep many mods like this, soundpacks, and other unneeded mods off of the server, but allow the clients to load them. 

How do I add mods to the suggested downloads list here, without running them on the server? 1b23a22636.png

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You're aware you only need to host the bikeys for any client side mods such as shac-tac  or sound packs ?

I'm assuming that's some sort of steam gui/collection you are using to try and host your mods. I don't use anything like that, it appears to be too restrictive and inflexible for my requirements

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Yes, I'm aware that I only need the bikeys, but I'd like the server to suggest that people load shactac when they try to connect to ArmA3 launcher, as well as some other mods.

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i am also curious about this. I cant even get the mods loaded on my server to show up as required mods.. 

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I wonder what would happen if you added an empty -mod folder such as =@ShacTac if that would also display a requirement to the clients.

If that fails, you could create your own little -mod that adds a dependancy to shactac in the mission, although this would then cause issues for anyone who does not have that mod and then attempts to connect


This however goes against the entire point of OPTIONAL clientside mod packs


You could add "ShacTaC Welcome" as part of your hostname and also add it to your MOTD


as for sound packs what difference does that make to gameplay whether the client has it or not and if you have regulars they should know what you allow anyway


Our solution to this is to create our own signed clientside mod pack and host that as a subdomain   http://zclient.zeus-community.net (Which contains amongst other non mission dependant clientside mods Shactac)

And every mission has an auto inserted briefing section (Via an addon I made) that states what is allowed and where to get it.



The issue i would see with linking to steam collections is


Imagine CBA brings out a new release

Some Clients rush to download and install it, some don't

Server hasn't updated


Client/server or Client/client mismatch

This can cause mayhem

My preferred method is to have total control of what mods are allowed so I create that control by signing every addon (Except TFAR .. there are reasons for this) with our own bikey which also has a date stamp, for example "ZCommon_03_02_2017.bikey" via an automatic call to some batch code and then host those addons via an arma3sync file repo


so basically if you want to play on our addon server there is only 1 place you can get those addons from that will work and that is from our repo. This creates maximum stability


I would however like to do away with the cost of running a file repo, so to host these on Steam would be great, but I believe that hosting a collection of existing addons on steam in this way is frowned upon ?? and even if it wasn't we then have the potential of TFAR mismatch on versions due to the same example as I gave for CBA

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