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[Solved] GAme Updater / Steam issues with 64-bit dev download

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I have been having trouble with aborted downloads of the 64-bit dev branch (see earlier posts here).

After the third abort last night I fired up Steam and was suprised to see it start to update,

Manage Downloads revealed it was downloading a >10GB update. The game was already fully updated,

and I don't have any Steam subscriptions nearly that large. When I looked at the Betas page in Arma 3 properties

I saw that Steam had acchanged it from "Never download.." to "development - Development Build".


Until 2 days ago I had never attempted to download a beta. Having read somewhat in the forums and the Biki it

seemed that Game Updater [GU] was preferred over the Steam client. The aborts were because the STEAMing pile of

was also downloading the beta into the workshop of my main Arma 3 directory, which has rather little free space.


Soit seems that although GU was downloading up to 15-16 GB on my D drive, STEAM would start downloading onto my

ArmA3 drive. When it found space getting too tight, it  would give an error report and break the connection - screwing up

the GU download in the process.


That was a big enough PITA, but suspending the STEAM 'update' then changing the Beta tab back to 'Never download..' - while

it apparently led Steam to delete the folder from O:\Arma 3\SteamApps\workshop\content\107410, it has not removed the

intended download, Having blown 15-20 GB of BW becaus of this, I do not have the remaining bandwidth to allow that,

The rollover date is midnight on the first of each month.


So devs (or anyone else) - how to I get the duplicate download cancelled in STEAM? If there is a stable update this month

my game will perforce become out-of-date even if the download is only a few MB.


Any help appreciated.


Edit: turned everything off for a while to go shopping. Fired up the PC & Steam when I returned, the superfluous 'update'

has disappeared from Steam. If anyone else has similar issues, a reboot should resolve them.


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I was getting the same issue, the updater would stop download because of some errors. I just shut down Steam and boom it worked fine.

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