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Spawn and Clear Scripting

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I am looking to make a script that can be easily placed on maps. Where the AI spawn (either as you approach or as objective is given) in towns which makes the grid on the map go red. The players have to move there and clear the AI turning the grid to green.


There would need to be some sort of endgame, maybe you slowly get intel where a enemy base is to be destroyed or pow to be rescued. 


I have seen lots of ai spawn scripts but not one that works quite like i want it to. If someone could point me in the direction I would be grateful. 

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Placing infantry is easy, scripts like UPS can do that and take care of patrols but making fortifications, static guns or anything that makes the mission look nice needs to be done by hand (well, not really, you can make procedural roadblocks, mines...etc. but not much more). There's a simulation manager in the game (under modules?) that controls the simulation of all units (given they're in a specific array) according to its distance from players which works pretty well, so you can spawn everything at once and let the SM handle it (unless you want to use artillery to kill over long distances).


As for the markers, creating them is not a problem, eg.:

marker1 = createMarker ["marker1", [7500,7500]]; 
marker1 setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
marker1 setMarkerSize [500,500];

creates a marker covering the grid where the central airport is on Tanoa. Do this dynamically for every area you're interested in, keep them in an array and change the colors depending on your conditions.

If you can script then you should be able to make it, if not, then spend some weeks on the biki like we all did, it pays off.

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Pretty much what thender says.  You could get something like EOS and adapt it to suit your needs, but the chance of something existing exactly as you want it is low, plus the chance of anyone scripting everything for you is low as well (and you would not learn anything if they did that anyway).  But you may get lucky if someone has enough time and inclination on his/her hands.

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