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Prevent player from dying in basic ace medical

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I am actually working on a personnal script to run in singleplayer to simulate a respawn when I should die.


What I do is that when I take a sufficient amount of damage, I disable damage, teleport myself to spawn, clean my damage amount and renable damage.


It works fine, but the mission also use the ACE and it's basic medical system. I want to keep it that way but if I don't erase all the HandleDamage handlers before putting mine, my script still run but I die anyway when I "respawn" because of ACE.


Is there any way I can tell ACE that I do not want to die when taking a certain amount of damage? I tried calling the ace_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHeal function in my script after setting allowDamage to false but it doesn't work.


Here is my code so far :


SPR_HandleDamage_EH =
	private ["_unit", "_killer", "_amountOfDamage"];
	_unit = _this select 0;
	_amountOfDamage = _this select 2;
	_killer = _this select 3;

    if (alive _unit && _amountOfDamage >= 0.9) then
		hint "Respawning";
		_unit allowDamage false;				
		if (hayACE) then
      		[_unit, _unit] call ace_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHeal;
		_unit setPos(getMarkerPos("respawn_west"));
		_unit setDamage 0;
		_amountOfDamage = 0;
		_unit allowDamage true;

[] spawn
    waitUntil { !isNull player };
	[] spawn SPR_Player_Init;
	hintSilent format["SP Respawn Script Loaded"];

SPR_Player_Init =
	//player removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";

	player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", SPR_HandleDamage_EH];



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Yep, try putting the code under: 

[_unit, _unit] call ace_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHeal;

It should reset a unit's ACE medical state (12).

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