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Bmp memory lod translated

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I got the memory LOD for a BMP translated:

cerveny pozicni = probably rear lights

doplnovani = refilling (probably loading point)

Konec hlavne = end of barrel

Konec L svetla = End of left light

Konec P svetla = End of right light

Konec rakety = End of rocket

Kulas = confused.gif? Still dont know

L svetlo = Left light

P svetlo = Right light

osa_poklop_commander = commander hatch axle

OsaHlavne = gunbarrel axle

osahlavnevelitele = main gunbarrel axle

osavelitele = main axle

OsaVeze = turret axle

otochlaven = turning gunbarrel

otochlavenvelitele = main turn gunbarrel

otocvelitele = main turnpiont

otocvez = turnturret

Spice rakety = rocket nosecone

Stopa = threadmarks

Usti hlavne = gunmuzzle

vyfuk konec = exhaust end

vyfuk start = exhaust start

zamerny = calculatuon/measuremnt (Not sure what it does)

zeleny pozicni = green positionlights

Thanks to Vladimir Koller for helping me with this.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I got the memory LOD for a BMP translated:

cerveny pozicni = probably rear lights

doplnovani = refilling (probably loading point)

Konec hlavne = end of barrel

Konec L svetla = End of left light

Konec P svetla = End of right light

Konec rakety = End of rocket

Kulas = ? Still dont know

L svetlo = Left light

P svetlo = Right light

osa_poklop_commander = commander hatch axle

OsaHlavne = gunbarrel axle

osahlavnevelitele = main gunbarrel axle

osavelitele = main axle

OsaVeze = turret axle

otochlaven = turning gunbarrel

otochlavenvelitele = main turn gunbarrel

otocvelitele = main turnpiont

otocvez = turnturret

Spice rakety = rocket nosecone

Stopa = threadmarks

Usti hlavne = gunmuzzle

vyfuk konec = exhaust end

vyfuk start = exhaust start

zamerny = calculatuon/measuremnt (Not sure what it does)

zeleny pozicni = green positionlights

<span id='postcolor'>

you got some things wrong:

I got the memory LOD for a BMP translated:

cerveny pozicni = probably rear lights

doplnovani = refilling (probably loading point)

Konec hlavne = end of barrel

Konec L svetla = End of left light

Konec P svetla = End of right light

Konec rakety = End of rocket

Kulas = ? Still dont know [coaxial gun muzzle]

L svetlo = Left light

P svetlo = Right light

osa_poklop_commander = commander hatch axle

OsaHlavne = gunbarrel axle

osahlavnevelitele = main gunbarrel axle [axle for the commanders turretgun]

osavelitele = main axle [rotation axis for comturret]

OsaVeze = turret axle

otochlaven = [gunbarrel geometry]

otochlavenvelitele = [comturret gun geometry] ? doesnt work

otocvelitele = [comturret geometry]

otocvez = [turret geometry including the comturret and the gun's geomtry]

Spice rakety = rocket nosecone

Stopa = threadmarks

Usti hlavne = gunmuzzle

vyfuk konec = exhaust end

vyfuk start = exhaust start

zamerny = calculatuon/measuremnt (Not sure what it does)

zeleny pozicni = green positionlights

[poklop_commander/gunner/driver = geometry for the gunner/comm/driver hatches, model them in closed position]

[osa_poklop_gunner/driver= same as for commanders hatch axis]

[kolL1/kolL2/kolP1/kolP2]= driving, non bouncing wheels

koloL1...koloL9 koloP1...koloP9 =bouncing wheels

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"cerveny pozicni = probably rear lights" WRONG!

cerveny pozicni = RED position lights!

And btw what do you mean by bouncing/non-bouncing wheels???


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This is cool guys. So how about the aircraft. Got some of them figured but the flaps got me beat. Also what is the corresponding model parts names for the above, because sometimes the memory point names differ slightly from the model part names.

Cheers 8)

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bouncing wheels: the wheels that carry the weight, the non-driven wheels.

bouncing meaning.. the wheels that move up and down when driving over a bump in the road.

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