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Mulitiple firing points.....

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I just had a quick query. I've been trying to figure out if it was possible to have multiple firing points on a weapon. Basically meaning if a gun has two barrels, can ammo actually come out of both of those barrels? I have tried to add "usti hlavne" and "konec hlavne" to both barrels, but it only shoots out of one. Does anyone have any idea if this is possible to do? confused.gif

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ok....i took a look at the M16-m203 and noticed that the barrel for the grenade launcher has different memory points (usti granatometu, konec granatometu) NOW my problem is, exactly how do i get the gun to use that other barrel? I was wondering if anyone had the .cpp for the m203 rifle. It would be very much appreciated. Or if you could include some code in your reply. Danke in advance biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class M16GrenadeLauncher



scopeWeapon = public;

scopeMagazine = private;

weaponType = WeaponSlotPrimary;

displayName = $STR_DN_M16_GRENADE;



muzzles[] = {M16Muzzle, M203Muzzle};

class M16Muzzle : M16


magazines[] = {M16};


class M203Muzzle : GrenadeLauncher



sound[]={weapons\M16GrenadeLaunch, db-70,1};

magazines[] = {GrenadeLauncher, Flare, FlareGreen, FlareRed, FlareYellow};

//optics = true;





canDrop = true;


<span id='postcolor'>

I'm not sure how to make 2 different firing positins. Have you ever seen any other gun/vehicle with multiple firing positions?

I fear it is not really possible. But who knows.

Maybe the grenadeM16 helps you.


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You should be able to have 1 firing point per muzzle. With the M203/M16 you have to muzzles, one for the M203 and one for the M16. They define different Memory points for the firingpoint in the p3d.

You cannot however have multiple firing point within the same muzzle, like firing 4 shots simultaneously. (At least this was true for the pre-resistance OFP, dunno if that has changed as they claim they have put in shotguns properly now. =).

And for the newbies, a muzzle defines a weapon, not just the actual "muzzle" on the gun. As shown by the example taken from the M203:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

muzzles[] = {M16Muzzle, M203Muzzle};

class M16Muzzle : M16


magazines[] = {M16};


class M203Muzzle : GrenadeLauncher


... grenadelauncher code


<span id='postcolor'>

Hope this helps,


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I'm not that much of an expert when it comes to config.cpping, but if you can't find a good solution with multiple barrels. (I.E if OFP:R actually has a shotgun)

You might want to try to make an addon where you use the

usti granatometu and konec granatometu as the memory points for the second barrel, and in the config.cpp define that you should shoot normal ammo with the grenadelauncher.

Did anyone understand that?

PS. Hi HuBBa =)

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Indeed, as you can see from my second post, i had already found those memory points. I have already found the way on how to use them. But, Res. has a shotgun? I have yet to see this. If you know the weapon and ammo name i would like to take a gander at it. biggrin.gif

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I haven't seen it. But then of course, I only bought OFP:Res today. Maybe they were thinking about the Kozlice?

But that still works the same way it always has.

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