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Get up, fools!

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Alright... in my outro i have a close veiw on a chopper, with 3 officers standing around, theyre supposed to get in just before the chopper lifts off.. instead sometimes they will hit the dirt or pull our thier binocs and the chopper lifts off without them, and just hovers there. how can i get them to stop that?

also, what can i do to get units to get in an empty vehicle as driver/gunner

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In outros in intros it's always good to disable the AI so you can finetune their movements. That way when you use the DoMove-command, they move there no matter what happens (excluding a shot in the back of the head, of course ;))

myofficer disableAI "Move"; myofficer disableAI "AutoTarget"

That should do the trick.

(Edited by Spitfire at 11:16 pm on Dec. 9, 2001)

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yeah, the problem with that is im an idiot and i dont know wth your talking about :P i just started messing with the editor like a week ago. to get them into the chopper i just used the 'get in' waypoint. it works most of the time...

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u have to make a wp for the heli to move somewhere and have a get in wp for the units. the sync the wps together by selecting sycnronize and drag from one wp to the other.

to get a certain unit in a vehicle to be assigned in a certain area u have to put this in the units init field.

this assigndriver/gunner vehiclename

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i already knew that, it doesnt help me at all... i want this for a cutscene, during a battle. the chopper is taking off, and the officers get in just as its about to leave... then it gets shot down. i dont want them to get in and THEN it starts its engine... waits... and then takes off

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the chopper should already have its engines running til they get to the wp.

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How far do the Officers have to walk before they get to the chopper?

If they are far enough away the chopper should have warmed up enough by the time they arrive and board it!

Also, have you set the helicopter's 1st waypoint as "LOAD" (directly under its starting position) and synchronised it with the Officer's "GET IN" waypoint?

P.S. As an alternative, you could also initialise the Helicopter as "Flying" (under Special in its Edit Unit Screen) and have it just landing for them as they approach!

(Edited by Bloodshot at 9:25 pm on Dec. 11, 2001)

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The officers are about 5 feet away (they run away about 10 feet before they get in for some odd reason) the choppers waypoint is load, and the officers is get in. I cant have the chopper land and pick them up, because its supposed to have been unoccupied till just a few seconds before

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