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Cannot die while in animation

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Title is kinda misleading since you can die during the animation but the animation keeps on going.

class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic
	skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";
	gestures = "CfgGesturesMale";
	access = 1;
	class States
		class DeadState;
		class AnimWeaponSurrender : default
 			file = "bnae_animations\anim_weapon_surrender.rtm";
			duty = 2;
			mask = "BodyFullReal";
			enableDirectControl = 0;
			leftHandIKCurve[] = {0};
			RightHandIKCurve[] = {0};
			weaponIK = 0;
			forceAim = 1;
			leaning = "empty";
			aimingBody = "empty";
			aiming = "empty";
			head = "empty";
			disableWeapons = 1;
			disableWeaponsLong = 1;
			headBobMode = 1;
			headBobStrength = 0.2;
			canPullTrigger = 0;
			showHandGun = 0;
			showItemInRightHand = 0;
			variantsPlayer[] = {};
			variantsAI[] = {};

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Ok. I may be barking up the wrong tree, as the saying goes, but I think you need that animation to connect to a dying state, then on to a dead/terminal state. As to what would be appropriate, If there's already a surrender animation in CfgMovesMalesdr it should have a sequence of states it connects to cover a character being killed. 


Right now, to me at least, it makes sense that the animation just locks in place. As it's not connected to anything else. Assuming that's the full definition.

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Thats what i thought too

			die = "DeadState";

Adding these didn't do the trick

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I didn't mean add them to that class. Rather create two new classes that it connects to and leads into a terminal state. Dead states will have a "terminal=1" entry in their definitions.


Or grab a couple of appropriate classes that already exist. I don't have access to A3 content, so I can't cite examples.


It would be similar to how static vehicle anims work. You have the default anim with variants, or not, then that connects to a "dying" state. The dying state in turn connects to a dead/terminal state.

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Thanks Macser!

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Ok. If you're happy doing it that way, that's up to you. But I only used the vehicle anims as an example. Probably not the best way to illustrate it though in hindsight. Anyway it works the same way for other animations. If you found yourself something closer to your surrender anim amongst the default classes it might look better.


Happy to help in any case. :)

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I got the main idea, probably going to make my own for the purpose.

I just decided to leave that here if someone else wander here :)

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