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Ai squad-level movement, ala: "2, Advance"

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Looking at the biki, i've been unable to find any documentation on commanding the ai via the radio, like the commands you get on the 'movement' sub-menu  of the radio when you are squad leader of some AI subordinates..


To clarify:   things like 'return to formation',  'flank left',  'advance'


Is there any reference to these commands?


If anyone can lay and knowledge on me regarding this it'd be great xD

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I appreciate you're trying to help but i can't see anything there that deals with the actual question:


" How do i script a single subordinate to advance 50m ahead of the formation.. Just like the player can order "

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I'm ordering dogs to move to positions using this technique.  Should work on AI I reckon.  Replace _subordinate and _leader below with names of your units.

_MoveToPos =  [_subordinate, 50, getdir _leader] call BIS_fnc_relPos; // calculate position 50 meters ahead of leader based on direction leader is facing.
_subordinate moveTo MoveToPos;

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