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Group disbanded EH?

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I'm using the BIS dynamic groups system and was wondering if there's an event handler for when everybody in a group leaves it so that group no longer exists (disbanded). I want to be able to delete objects that were assigned to that group if the group gets disbanded.

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Thanks, but I don't think I see anything on there that helps me. I want to check if a group doesn't exist anymore.

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there is some sub functions like 

"GetAllGroups" - Returns all registered and valid groups

should return something , 


See BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups in Functions Viewer for more sub-functions and their parameters.

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I found this in the code for BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups.

	 * Event for player group being disbanded
	case "OnGroupDisbanded" :
		private ["_group", "_who", "_oldLeader"];
		_group          = _params param [0, grpNull, [grpNull]];
		_who            = _params param [1, objNull, [objNull]];
		_oldLeader      = _params param [2, objNull, [objNull]];

		if (!isNull _oldLeader && {!isNull _who} && {_oldLeader != _who}) then
			[["LocalShowNotification", ["DynamicGroups_GroupDisbanded", [name _oldLeader], _who]], "BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups", _who] call BIS_fnc_mp;

		// Log
		if (LOG_ENABLED) then
			["OnGroupDisbanded: %1 / %2 / %3", _group, _who, _oldLeader] call bis_fnc_logFormat;

It doesn't help me though does it? It looks like it just shows a notification for when a group gets disbanded. I can't run my own code when it happens like for other event handlers right?

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