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Arma 4 Engine... Starcry?

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I don't think the current modified version of the Far Cry engine that is being used in Star Citizen has an official name yet but it seems to have all the requirements that a ARMA 4 engine is looking for.


Modified for huge areas (Talking star system size with full transition from planet surface, to space, to planet surface, more than ARMA needs).


Advanced AI system (No doubt not up to ARMA standards but can be worked on)


Incredible animation system (Scale-able facial animations as the finest point).


Awesome light source system (More than one sun is impressive)


Point of source projectile mapping (With true 1st and 3rd person view system).


Multi crewed vehicles etc (With vehicle within vehicle capability (more brilliant than you might think)).


Awesome net code (as yet not seen in its fullest state).


Ability to create a persistent universe (opportunity to run long wars, possibly stretching for months or years).



We haven't even seen what this modified engine can really do yet but it seems like a real contender for a ARMA 4 engine to me (or maybe 5 if Bi is already committed to 4).


So many () i apolagise.


Well, check the engine out and see what you think. I'm not real techy and I'm sure there are many more elements to the engine that have merit.




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Star Citizen's game engine is called StarEngine which is a heavily modified version of CryEngine 4.

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As there is no Arma4 section this will be moved to the off topic section of the forums 

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