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JD Wang

Helo won't stay at setfuel 0

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I have this little game mechanic where players can walk up to a billboard and spawn a landrover. Once they do that a Chinook at the base spools up, flys off, picks it up and returns it to the base (about a 10 min turnaround) The guys in my group like it for the extra "immersion"

Now to set this up was simple. I have the chinook sitting on the pad with a slingload waypoint over the marker where the landrover spawns, then an unhook waypoint back at the airfield, a land waypoint and a cycle so it does it all over again.

I then take all the fuel out of the chopper so it doesn't take off. Whenever a player spawns a vehicle I simply

cargoLift1 setFuel 1;

Then in the land waypoint activation I put the command

cargoLift1 setFuel 0;

so it lands and turns it's engine off rather than continuing the loop.


It works great... the first time. But the second time you spawn something the chopper delivers it, lands starts to wind down and then seemingly gets fuel from nowhere takes off again and flys somewhere completely different.

Any ideas why the second time around that loops it doesn't stay with 0 fuel, and then why it seemingly disobeys it's waypoints the second time and fly's off to do it's own thing.


The only AI mod running is ALiVE, but I've been told that shouldn't cause the issue.

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Ok I would have thought using setfuel 0 in a vehicle's waypoint would make it local to the vehicle?

The bit that really confuses me about this though is why it works the first time, but not the second, and why when it lands the second time does it suddenly seem to disregard it's waypoints and seem to have a mind of it's own.


Although I have to admit I'm still getting used to what commands need to be run where.

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