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How to make longer firefights?

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(In case I put this in the wrong subforum, please move it to the right place, thanks)


Basically as the title says, what are some ways to make firefights last longer? I feel that the actual fighting in my (singleplayer) missions lasts very little in comparison to what it should, real life firefights usually last for hours, but in Arma (at least in the basic missions I make) it usually takes less than 5 minutes, of course no one expects that they should last for 2,3 hours in the game, but still +-5 minutes is just too little.


In the example mission that I created, I have around 20-30 bluefor soldiers inside a city (Polana in Chernarus, a nice city with a lot of forests, houses,..), spread in groups of 3 and 5 soldiers and I have another 20-30 opfor soldiers that are attacking the city, in the first 5 minutes everything looks nice, soldiers use cover and so on, but after that everyone just gets killed and there's nothing to do anymore.


To combat that, I downloaded some AI improvement mods and I put another bluefor group 2 miles from the city, which has a move waypoint to the Polyana, so they arrive just in time when the firefight dies down, but still even that doesn't look good enough.


So what are some other things that I could try? I am a noob, so I don't know a lot about triggers and especially scripting, but I will try to put triggers for the second bluefor group, but other than that...I don't know.


Is there a mod that dynamically creates  soldiers/groups during the mission? I saw one mod that has something like that, but I need specific units to appear, not just any random bluefor units.

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What makes firefights last longer is a revive system, but the stock isn't AI ready, so you have to download some scripts to do that and even then, it probably won't work very well. The AI framework just isn't that good.

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We have seen the best way to increase firefight length is to decrease ai accuracy while increasing AI skill. Also look into AI scripts such as VCOM AI, ASR_AI and pooters ASR_AI. Each has its own perks and cons so you will need to play around with it. There is quite a good BIS module which causes units to respawn in waves, cant remember it off the top of my head. With a little google I am sure you will be able to find it.

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