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About jakers12

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  1. If I were to use a addon, which one would be better for this orientation problem, ASR or Vcom? Do you actually need to script units in the editor or something to even use one of these or do you just enable them and they use them automatically?
  2. I have, I kinda forgot the exact options by now, but I think that there are skill settings in the main options section and I believe a skill slider when you are putting a new unit inside the editor, but I didn't see any important difference regardless of what settings I use. If I set everything up to the max in the main options section, do settings inside the editor make a big difference? I believe that both main and editor skill settings are already maxed, but maybe I forgot something.
  3. Unlike many players, I only like playing singleplayer games, because if you have an editor, you have complete of everything and you can have as much fun as you want. Unfortunately, in Arma, the AI is not exactly..smart, even with AI modifying addons. For example many times when I give a simple "move" command, once they reach the enemy, some of them shoot at the enemy, while some target left or right away from the enemy and it just doesn't make any sense, they just get completely lost. When defending, the ai gives the enemy soldiers to reach way too near, like 50-100 meters, until they start shooting at them. On flat terrain, with mountains and forests its even worse. I believe however that using triggers or some specific commands you can make the AI smarter, so are there any ideas on how to make a simple attack/defend mission, but with the AI not being such a mess? I don't play a lot of "sandboxable shooters", but in Men of War Assault squad you also have an editor and you can also make a attack/defend mission and for some reason there the AI seems to be way smarter, even though Arma should have a much more realistic AI due to its scale. I don't remember seeing soldiers target left or right away from the enemy in that game, and it was released in 2011.
  4. jakers12

    Jets DLC Terrains

    (ot) So...you are against people taking an interest in the mod...on a mod subforum? No offense to whoever created that rule, but that rule makes no sense, asking for updates a million times should be definitely against the rules and I'm all for that, but once in a while should be ok, even encouraged, if nothing else, it tells the mod developer that there are people who are actually interested in his hard work and the future of the mod, that want to help and so on, instead of just downloading whenever it is released and forgetting about the author. If I was a dev, I would be happier seeing people eager to play my mod, than of a lot of people thanking me after the mod has been released. (end of ot)
  5. jakers12

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Nothing wrong in asking for a update, that's literally the entire point of a forum, to discuss mods, how they grow,etc. Anyways, there is a update on the author's site http://www.pmctactical.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=22660 " 05-22-17 Weekly update All week was spent doing mostly the same as last week, downloading terra incognita ArcGIS world imagery satellites and re-creating those broken terrain builder projects. "
  6. jakers12

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Little offtopic, but Hcpookie, do SAM ranges work in Arma now or will we have to wait for the Jets DLC? I think that I read that Jets DLC will introduce better radar systems and stuff, which will revolutionize air combat and stuff, so I don't know if SAM's currently actually do anything or are their ranges the same as for Manpads,etc.
  7. jakers12

    ASR AI 3

    Maybe I should ask this in a more general subforum, but since I have ASR, I'll do it here, how do I prevent (some of) my AI units from looking in the wrong direction while in middle of a fight? For example I make a simple move waypoint and a squad only has to move&fight 100 meters in front, no obstacles, no hills, nothing, the enemy (who is 100 meters away and easy to spot) is shooting at them and most of my soldiers are fighting back as they should, but then some as.hat from my squad decides to look somewhere in the right or left direction, instead of in front where the enemy is located. When I enter the spectator mode and enter the ,,1.st person" viewpoint of that soldier, it shows that he has the enemy marked as the ,,target", so he knows where the enemy is, the bullets are flying around him and yet he decides to look at some pointless direction and stare there for 10, 20 seconds for no reason, he moves his gun a little, so I guess that he is scanning, but he already knows where the enemy is and still he does that stupid thing. So what waypoint, asr, difficulty,etc. settings should I use to combat this? I am almost a total noob, so the more detail, the better. Also while I'm at it, what waypoints to use for a mechanized squad? I want a BMP to enter a village and drive through a big street, with a infantry squad around it, but the BMP just decides to either not even drive into the village or just to drive around backyards, turn around at random places and do anything except shoot at the enemy.
  8. jakers12

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Multiple mod devs reply in the mean time and everyone pretends they didn't see my and sammael's post? C'mon, don't be cruel.. :(
  9. jakers12

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I think that this gentleman is waiting for an answer, so let's not keep him waiting. :D
  10. (In case I put this in the wrong subforum, please move it to the right place, thanks) Basically as the title says, what are some ways to make firefights last longer? I feel that the actual fighting in my (singleplayer) missions lasts very little in comparison to what it should, real life firefights usually last for hours, but in Arma (at least in the basic missions I make) it usually takes less than 5 minutes, of course no one expects that they should last for 2,3 hours in the game, but still +-5 minutes is just too little. In the example mission that I created, I have around 20-30 bluefor soldiers inside a city (Polana in Chernarus, a nice city with a lot of forests, houses,..), spread in groups of 3 and 5 soldiers and I have another 20-30 opfor soldiers that are attacking the city, in the first 5 minutes everything looks nice, soldiers use cover and so on, but after that everyone just gets killed and there's nothing to do anymore. To combat that, I downloaded some AI improvement mods and I put another bluefor group 2 miles from the city, which has a move waypoint to the Polyana, so they arrive just in time when the firefight dies down, but still even that doesn't look good enough. So what are some other things that I could try? I am a noob, so I don't know a lot about triggers and especially scripting, but I will try to put triggers for the second bluefor group, but other than that...I don't know. Is there a mod that dynamically creates soldiers/groups during the mission? I saw one mod that has something like that, but I need specific units to appear, not just any random bluefor units.
  11. Great work, probably the best mod for Arma 2, anyway, when can we approximately expect the release of the s-300 and also can we expect a t-50 pak fa somewhere in the future?
  12. I simply want the infantry to follow a vehicle and attack the enemy,but without them actually going in the vehicle,hopefully without any or with minimal scripting.
  13. I tried making some columns today,just for a few minutes and I think that I've got it,at least with vehicles,I put -careless -column compact -normal speed and -never fire (not sure if the last one affects anything,but it doesn't matter) and I managed to make a 8+ column with trucks,a smaller one with tanks,but a tank&truck column doesn't work.
  14. I want to make a simple ,,parade like,, column,but whenever I put a column,no matter what option I choose,the safe/aware thing,speed/staggered/compact column,the soldiers walk correct for a meter,then one decides to step out and then it looks like a triangle,instead of just a simple line,the only solution I found is to put for example 10 soldiers,1 meter apart one after another and give them all a straight line waypoint to walk in front,one for each 10 of them,is there any other way? Also is there a way to do it with vehicles,specially tanks,etc? Whenever I want tanks to drive on roads,one after another (like cars) they just decide to go over the fences,houses and so on,instead of following the road. (I would prefer something that doesn't include any scripting,but its not a problem if there is a little of it)