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Make AI AA Tanks not attack infantry???

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Is there a way to make enemy AI AA tanks not attack infantry units on the ground and strictly only attack aerial vehicles?

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It is easy with making a mod, changing the config of a vehicle, with script would be a bit more complicated. Anyway, that makes no sense, as AA gun is damn good against infantry.

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I want to make it so enemy AI AA tanks do not attack us infantry units on the ground

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Never tried it, but this might do the job:

// put it in .sqf file and execute from unit init: 
// 0=[_this] execVM "yoursqf.sqf";

params ["_aa"];

while {alive _aa} do {
	sleep 0.5;
	if ((assignedTarget _aa) isKindOf "Man") then {
		_aa doWatch objNull;

It also shouldn't affect normal targeting as air units have a higher priority.

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There's no effective way to apply filtering of enemy targets by type for a selected entity (be it infantry, vehicle or air veh).

I wouldn't say that.

Sure its not perfect and it would be nicer to have something like a "handleTarget" eventhandler, but still...




Also, if the above doesn't work you can also use something like this (which basically give you full control, by assigning targets manually):

// put it in .sqf file and execute from unit init: 
// 0=[_this] execVM "yoursqf.sqf";

params ["_aa"];

_aa disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
while {alive _aa} do {
	sleep 2;
		_last = 0;
		_x params [_pos,_type,_side,_cost,_obj,_acc];
		if ((_aa countEnemy [_obj]) isEqualTo 1) then {
			if (_type isKindOf "Air") then {
				if (_cost > _last) then {
					_aa doTarget _obj;
	} count nearTargets 2000;

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