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Dedicated Server, Out of memory crash

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Hi guys, 


I added MCC back into my repo and updated to 1.64. I have been experiencing a weird server crash since then.


OUT OF MEMORY. Its killing my 3x HC & my Dedicated Host.


Any idea? Here is the rpt.





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lot of mods used, would recommend to try & error, removing them... till you found the "bad" one, cup_stuff for itself is stable for me.

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happened since i re-added MCC SandBox... It happens when people generate a MCC mission and let it run on the server for a long time. (48hours)

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You sir have described the classic symptoms of what is called a "memory leak" in the IT world.  The basic description is that something (such as a script, for example) continues to consume non-page pooled memory and never releases it back to the OS after it is done with the memory.  I can show you how to find the guilty process, but of course in your case it will be the Arma3 executable.


Usually you can monitor NPP memory consumption in Perfmon and say "aha it is executable XYZ" and go find a patch or mitigation for it.  Unfortunately I know of no way to monitor anything within the Arma engine such as you could with Performance Monitor for other processes.  Therefore, the trial-and-elimination approach must be used to find the guilty mod/script/etc. that is causing the problems.  You may find there are several contributors, making it more difficult to track down.


You don't say if this "MCC Mission" is yours... the best bet is to remove this "MCC Mission" you describe, or set your server to reboot on a regular basis (every 36 hours for example).  That will hide the leak since it will never reach the "boiling point" of crashing, and ease your server administration somewhat.  HOWEVER you really should find what scripts are running in this MCC Mission and sort out how they are composed and attempt to resolve their memory allocation problems.  You may find it is a simple re-write of one script, or that things are compounded to the point that the mission simply can't be ran > 48 hours.  In which case I would scrap it for a new mission.


OR you might find the mechanism you use to "generate a new mission" is porked, and needs to be replaced or abandoned.

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Thx guys. I'll try to find out. I am pretty sure it's ,MCC related since it is only happening when generating mission via MCC & Gaga.

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