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-ami- mofo

Eden editor - enable revive?

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Hi guys I've just started messing with the Eden editor and want to enable BIS revive for a MP co-op mission.


I've placed down 5 playable units but the problem is that the 'revive enabled' check box on each unit's attributes is greyed out so I can't select it.


Do you need to do something else 1st in order to have this checkbox option available?




EDIT- worked that out. I had to have the multiplayer attribuites revive set to player attributes.



A new question though.. the number of times I'm able to revive seems to differ. Sometimes a player will get shot several times and can be revived each time. Other times he just gets killed straight away.


Is the revive kind of buggy? 

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Is it set to relastic or advanced? Instant kill should be disabled in Basic mode.

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I've got it set to basic.


What I've discovered is that if the player just gets shot a bit then he goes into incapacitated mode and is able to be revived. But if the player receives quite a bit of damage, say being sprayed a bit with an LMG then he's killed.


I thought that having revive enabled would mean that the player will only be killed if the revive countdown timer runs out. But it appears not, seems like receiving over a medium amount of damage and you're dead.


That sound right?

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Go to Revive mode and select the "Controlled by Player Attributes" option. This will allow you to select the unit you want to be revival when clicking on them.

Edited by panzerkmpf

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