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Anything special about a positional array ?

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Hi Folks,

I'm trying to manually assemble a position array after dong some math on a known position... When I look at the hint - the position appears to be in a valid format - but I don't seem to be able to use it to get a unit to move to - is there anything special in the format of a positional array? Any idea as to why the code would not work as is ?




	_posit = getPos s1;
	hint format [ "Player Position = %1",_posit ];
	sleep 10;
	_arayX = _posit select 0;											// Get player position and break down array
	_arayY = _posit select 1;
	_arayZ = _posit select 2;
	_arayXn = _arayX - 150;												// Define new position 1
	_arayYn = _arayY + 150;
	_targ1 = format [ "[%1,%2,%3]", _arayXn, _arayYn, _arayZ];			// Create new position array 1
	hint format [ "Targ1 Position = %1",_targ1 ];
	sleep 10;
	_arayXn = _arayX + 150;												// Define new position 2
	_arayYn = _arayY - 150;
	_targ2 = format [ "[%1,%2,%3]", _arayXn, _arayYn, _arayZ];

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You could simplify this a lot:

  _posit = getPos s1;
    hint format [ "Player Position = %1",_posit ];

    _targ1 = _posit;
    _targ2 = _posit;
    _targ1 vectorAdd [-150,150,0]; //position1
    _targ2 vectorAdd [150,-150,0]; //position2
    systemchat str format [ "Targ1 Position = %1",_targ1 ];
    systemchat str format [ "Targ2 Position = %1",_targ2 ];

Why the sleeps though?

AI moving towards the new positions shouldn't be an issue, what are you trying to achieve that?



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_targ1 = format [ "[%1,%2,%3]", _arayXn, _arayYn, _arayZ];			// Create new position array 1

This creates a string, not an array! Positions have to be actual arrays.



use this instead:

_targ1 = [_arayXn, _arayYn, arayZ];

Also, using the vectormath commands is much better (like Grumpy said).

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Hi Folks,

Man - I owe you two a beer... This coding thing is a bit addicting - I was up until after midnight trying to get this all to work...

Hah - the sleeps are to just leave the hints up on the screen long enough for me to read them while troubleshooting...

I have a leg in both Arma 2 and Arma 3 - so I'm just trying to allow for backwards compatibility by only using commands that were available in Amra 2 - when I looked - vectorAdd appeared to be an Arma 3 command...

I think I have it now - I'm sure you saved me countless hours of trouvpbkeshooting...





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