dr death jm 117 Posted September 21, 2016 I'm making a new script/server side addon for suicide, as it is , it works awesome but I need a way to count ammo so when player is at 0 ammo he can get the suicide action, as it is now it can be done at any time and as fun as it is , players will tend to use the action menu instead of playing mission. :rolleyes: lightning_Install = { if(!isNil "lightning_INIT") exitWith {}; lightning_INIT = true; lightning_suicide = { if (!alive player) exitWith {}; params ["_target","_turntable","_logic"]; _turntable = createVehicle ["Land_PenBlack_F",_this select 0,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _turntable hideObjectGlobal true; _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; _logic = _group createUnit ["LOGIC",[0,0,0], [], 0, ""]; _logic attachTo [_turntable, [0,0,0.5]]; _logic setPos (getPos _target); [_logic, nil, true] call BIS_fnc_moduleLightning; }; lightning_Add_Player_Actions = { params ["_player"]; _player addAction ["<img size='3' color='#33339b' shadow='1' image='\A3\ui_f\data\map\respawn\icon_dead_ca' /><t size='1' shadow='1' color=""#f72032"">" + ("Electrifying Death") + "</t><img size='3' color='#33339b' shadow='1' image='\A3\ui_f\data\map\respawn\icon_dead_ca.paa'/>", {_this spawn lightning_suicide}, [], -9, false, true, "", "(vehicle player) isKindOf 'man'"]; _player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { player setVariable ["lightning_Actions_Loaded",false]; }]; }; if(!isDedicated) then { [] spawn { while {true} do { if(!isNull player && isPlayer player) then { if !(player getVariable ["lightning_Actions_Loaded",false]) then { [player] call lightning_Add_Player_Actions; player setVariable ["lightning_Actions_Loaded",true]; }; }; sleep 5; }; }; }; if(isServer) then { publicVariable "lightning_Install"; remoteExecCall ["lightning_Install", -2,true]; }; }; if(isServer) then { [] call lightning_Install; }; thanks. credits to duda for showing me all the how to and giving me time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr death jm 117 Posted September 21, 2016 fixed added if !(someAmmo player) credit to ZoneKiller (ZK) for pointing me to the right place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites