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pvt. partz

Almost there,...need help with final step

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   It seem that the most difficult part of creating a terrain is getting everything set up properly. At least for me. I would like to reach out and ask anyone to meet with me while logged onto my PC to go over everything and ensure/correct/offer tips as I move forward. The reading and studying has been helpful but agonizingly slow. I'm a bit older and I'm not to proud to admit my limitations. To me the easy part is going to be the weeks and months of time I will need to spend populating the terrain. Please PM me if anyone can spend a little time to get this project off the ground and I promise to reward the community with a stunning project. I am on EST and available on weekends pretty much any time. 

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I did give you the heightmap and sat map all lined up, follow the atlas guide or the youtube one, you will soon be up and running. :)

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   It seem that the most difficult part of creating a terrain is getting everything set up properly.


It's not that complicated, it seems so but it's not :)


1 -  Mount your P drive, I use A3 tools but there are other ways

2 - Run Mikero's Arma3P.cmd and set the directory, default is P (optional subscription is well advised)

3 - Create a new folder in the root of P with your tag name (tags are optional but advised) and claim it Here

4 - Inside the new 'tag' folder, create another with the name of your terrain

5 - Create 2 new folders inside your terrains name folder, 1 called source, the 2nd called data

6 - Follow The Atlas: Guide to ArmA 3 Terrain Making multiple times until you get that 'Ah ha' moment :D then you understand the basics

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It's not that complicated, it seems so but it's not :)


1 -  Mount your P drive, I use A3 tools but there are other ways

2 - Run Mikero's Arma3P.cmd and set the directory, default is P (optional subscription is well advised)

3 - Create a new folder in the root of P with your tag name (tags are optional but advised) and claim it Here

4 - Inside the new 'tag' folder, create another with the name of your terrain

5 - Create 2 new folders inside your terrains name folder, 1 called source, the 2nd called data

6 - Follow The Atlas: Guide to ArmA 3 Terrain Making multiple times until you get that 'Ah ha' moment :D then you understand the basics


^ this! It's really easy once you do it. Plus the heightmap I sent had a cell size of 10 so you can easy resize it if you want, same with the sat map.

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I did give you the heightmap and sat map all lined up

   Maybe I'm trying to make it to complicated. I looked at the Sat map sections and thought, I need to "stitch" them together?.



   I completely missed the "Atlas Guide" ! :wub:  reference, ROF


Thanks for the red highlights Richie!

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   Maybe I'm trying to make it to complicated. I looked at the Sat map sections and thought, I need to "stitch" them together?.



   I completely missed the "Atlas Guide" ! :wub:  reference, ROF


Thanks for the red highlights Richie!


You stitch them together in Terrain Builder. I'll try and write you a quick guide later tonight

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OMG, that Atlas guide is the cats meow !. Between that, and CAPTAINCAPS vid's, the fog is lifting.


Couldn't wait 'till today so I took a bite last night. Here are a couple of issues I ran into. I'm sure minor and and I will check spelling and whatnot today.

                I have checked for any typos and all of that seems good


When I go to Map Frame Properties, and press Generate Layer, I get this error....

           1) http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p492/chik1978/Arma/Terrain%20Mod/ScreenHunter_24%20Sep.%2017%2023.54.jpg



Then if I ignore the previous error and press ok, I get this error....

            2) http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p492/chik1978/Arma/Terrain%20Mod/ScreenHunter_23%20Sep.%2017%2022.59.jpg


I noticed also in a few other terrain Source files there are mask images and normal images. Purpose and tut/s on how to acquire them? Of course I will Google them but since I'm posting.... :D



You stitch them together in Terrain Builder. I'll try and write you a quick guide later tonight



   I don't expect you to spend a lot of time detailing for me even though it is very much appreciated but a simple nudge in the right direction and I at least I know which way to direct my search. That is most useful. I searched for hours on the subject of "stitching", as CAPTAINCAPS explained but could not find anything that jumped out at me. As you said, It's done in Terrain Builder so I will turn every rock over there.



One more catastrophe,....when I start Bulldozer, it will not move. I've played (practiced) with it quite a bit previously but now it does nothing.

                                                   (This may be for another topic however)

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you need the mapLegend.png in the source folder same as the layers.cfg. You also need to make sure your have put the textures (the soil one etc) in the data folder.


As for the stitching, import all of them sat maps I sent you. File>import>sat image. It should ask what coods you want to import them at, I wrote the coords in the txt file I sent with the images. If it doesn't ask, you can right click the image on the right hand side in TB, and set coords there. If all goes well they should all line up nicely.

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OMG, that Atlas guide is the cats meow !. Between that, and CAPTAINCAPS vid's, the fog is lifting.



Awesome, keep doing it though, each time trying new tweaks, eventully it all falls into place and the basics make perfect sense, only then do you move on :)


The map legend error, check your layers.cfg, that contains the path TB is looking for

The dodgy rvmat, open it with notepad or any text editor, make sure paths and files names are correct, some files are CaSe SeNsItIvE and will only allow lowercase

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   I did have a spelling mistake and that in turn made TB blind to the Layer.cfg path


So,.....you know everything is honky dory when it takes over an hour to start you Bulldozer !



When BD stopped, it came up with an error. I wished I had gotten a screeny but it said something about could not find a certain file ending in .hpp. I messed around with it last night again and got this and here is a quick rundown, I have to hurry off to work so I might have missed some info





Odd thing is, this particular file does not exist, although that may be the whole point. If BD is looking for it, where could it be and why is it missing?


PBO set up



Secondly, and I'm not sure if this is related in any way, I tried to PBO Kythira using PBO Project. Short time later (less than 30 seconds) it came up with this error




I have checked that I changed all of the ATLAS names to properly show my "Tag_Project.

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   I have managed to find fixes for my issues. PBO can be made and I am able to go in game. I have spent way to much time trying to import the road data as a single complete operation via QGIS. I think a person would need to be much more experienced to be able to successfully accomplish this task. I do have questions.


When I go in game, the terrain is black in a small radius around the player.

What is the mask image, how do I get it, and how is it used?


note: Know that when I ask questions, I have spent a lot of time looking for answers. If I do find answers, they are usually to difficult to understand and therefore I might need it explained in simpler terms,...if that's possible.

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If you don't have a mask image, you will have a black circle around you in game. The mask controls what ground texture and clutter you see when you look down (grass stone etc) The sat map is what you see when you look off at a far mountain. In your layers.cfg each texture has an RGB setting, maybe grass is 255,0,0 which would be red.


So you need to make an image with 6 colours (you can have more, but keep it simple for the moment), with each colour being what ground texture you want to be there, based on your layers.cfg. So basically you draw over you satmap, if there is grass on it your would colour it red for example, Use the pencil tool you can't use a brush with soft edges. Then save it as a new file and import into TB as mask image, then export it under map properties like you did you sat map.


Since your just starting off, make the mask all one colour then edit it as you go. You can even use TB layers and set ground texture by right clicking it then export shapes to imagery.


Also if you look in the atlas guide your see their sat and image mask, flick between them both and you're see what I mean by painting it.

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