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Multiplayer Texture Respawn

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Hello, I am trying to get the texture on my aircraft to re spawn with the aircraft every time it is destroyed.  At this point I can get the texture on at first but if the aircraft is destroyed it will respawn with the default texture and not the one I originally assigned to it.



I attach the texture by putting this in the init box.  Of course this one will not respawn with the aircraft when it is destroyed.

this setdir getdir(f1601); this SetObjectTexture [0,"pics\dv8red.jpg"]; this attachTo [f1601,[0,-.1,0.6]];

Any help is appreciated.  Please keep in mind I am only moderately ArmA literate so please break it down to dummy terms and instructions.  Thans



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The question is how you  are re-spawning your aircraft and you need this for MP or SP

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The question is how you  are re-spawning your aircraft and you need this for MP or SP


Multiplayer (See title) and the Vehicle Respawn module sycned to the F-16 I wish to respawn.

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Its easy to achieve.


At Vehicle Respawn Module in field expression paste this:

if (isServer) then {

params [["_newVeh", objNull], ["_oldVeh", objNull]];

	if (typeOf _newVeh == "classname") then {

		_newVeh SetObjectTextureGlobal [0,"pics\dv8red.jpg"];


change "classname" to your aircraft classname

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Multiplayer (See title) and the Vehicle Respawn module sycned to the F-16 I wish to respawn.

If it's multiplayer, you need to use setObjectTextureGlobal. Add this to the unit's init:


0 = this addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
	params ["_unit", "_corpse"];
	private _textures = getObjectTextures _corpse;
	_unit setObjectTextureGlobal [0, _textures select 0];

Untested but this is the general idea


// Edit

Oh, Davidoss already replied. woops

Edited by hallyg

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Yes, true but you also need to worry that the command runs only once  and by server.

It will only run once, upon the unit's respawn..?

Well the wiki doesn't have anything about it being run on the server, it's global so should work on clients too.


// Edit:

Oh I think you meant running again due to it being put in the init of an editor unit. My bad, I don't use the editor much.

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