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initPlayerLocal.sqf and BIS_fnc_typeText

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 Hi All,

I am trying to make the text information on right side of the screen at mission start with BIS_fnc_typeText function.

I put the text inside initPlayerLocal.sqf but it doesn't work when I use the mission in dedicated server (it works fine in mission preview in editor).

Any idea what can be the reason?

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Can you post what your file looks like? Cause I've done the same in a mission of mine and it works fine.

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I found it in internet to be honest. Just modified it for my own purpose


waitUntil { !isNull player };

	//--- Fade out
	titleText [ "", "BLACK FADED", 10 ];
	0 fadeSound 0;
	0 fadeMusic 0;
	0 fadeSpeech 0;
	enableRadio false;
	enableEnvironment false;

	[] spawn {

		//--- Play intro music
		//playMusic "LeadTrack01b_F";

		sleep 5;

		//--- Fade in
		titleText [ "", "BLACK IN", 5 ];
		5 fadeSound 1;
		5 fadeMusic 1;
		5 fadeSpeech 1;
		enableRadio true;
		enableEnvironment true;

		sleep 10;

		//--- Type date, time and location
		private [ "_year", "_month", "_day", "_hour", "_minute", "_date", "_time" ];

		_year = ( date select 0 );
		_month = ( date select 1 );
		_day = ( date select 2 );

		if( _month < 10 ) then { _month = format[ "0%1", _month ] };
		if( _day < 10 ) then { _day = format[ "0%1", _day ] };

		//--- Get date
		_date = format[ "%1-%2-%3", _day, _month, _year ];

		_hour = ( date select 3 );
		_minute = ( date select 4 );

		if( _hour < 10 ) then { _hour = format[ "0%1", _hour ] };
		if( _minute < 10 ) then { _minute = format[ "0%1", _minute ] };

		//--- Get time
		_time = format[ "%1:%2", _hour, _minute ];


				[ _date, "<t size='1.0' font='PuristaMedium'>%1</t>", 0 ], 
				[ _time, "<t size='1.0' font='PuristaBold'>%1</t><br/>", 5 ], 

				[ "South of Galati", "<t size='0.9' font='PuristaBold'>%1</t><br/>", 5 ], 

				[ "Central Altis", "<t size='0.9'>%1</t><br/>", 30 ]

			"<t align='center' shadow='1' size='1.0'>%1</t>" 
		] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText;


				[ "Iraklia", "<t size='0.7' font='puristaMedium'>%1</t><br/>", 5 ], 
				[ "East Altis", "<t size='0.7'>%1</t><br/>", 30 ],
				[ _date, "<t size='0.7' font='PuristaMedium'>%1</t>", 0 ], 
				[ _time, "<t size='0.7' font='puristaMedium'>%1</t><br/>", 70 ] 

			"<t align='center' shadow='1' size='0.7'>%1</t>" 
		] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText;


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Hm, I'm not seeing anything that stands out, though I'm currently on my phone so the formatting is a bit weird. Have you checked the rpts both client and server side to see if there are any errors that pop up?

Just weird it works in editor preview, just not on a dedi. Only thing it may be that I can think of is that the initPlayerLocal isn't in the final mission pbo, therefore not executing once on the server.

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How do you guys import the missions to server?
Not using the export functionality of editor? I started to think that that export is bugy.
It is sometimes giving error when I join in game like blablabla.sqf is missing although it was in the folder where the mission was. So pbo supposed to have it.
Even though it says file is missing it still runs the sqf which is even more insane

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I use the export functionality without any issues, but if your're getting an error saying a file is not there, then it isn't there, lol.

Make sure your saving/exporting the right mission file.

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I am sure I am exporting right one as there is no other. Missing sqf warning is happening but still using the sqf when game starts

When I open the PBO file with PBO Manager I see the SQF and the initPlayerLocal there.
I don't understand what the issue is...

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