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Shotgun Addon problem

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Hi all,


I'm developing a Shotgun addon,


after the last ArmA3 update,


I have this error:







and this other error only if You use also my Life Pack:




this is my config:

class cfgpatches
    class shootgun
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 0.1;
        requiredAddons[] = {"A3_weapons_f","A3_Weapons_F_Acc"};

#include "CfgAmmo.hpp"
#include "CfgMagazines.hpp"
#include "CfgWeapons.hpp"

enum {


class Single;
//class Mode_SemiAuto;
//class Mode_Burst;
//class Mode_FullAuto;
//class FullAuto;
class SlotInfo;
class CowsSlot;
class PointerSlot;

class CfgWeapons
	class WeaponSlotsInfo 
		allowedslots[] = {901};
		mass = 4;
		class MuzzleSlot: SlotInfo 
			displayname = "$str_a3_cfgweapons_abr_base_f_weaponslotsinfo_muzzleslot0";
			linkproxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\MUZZLE";
		class CowsSlot: CowsSlot 
		class PointerSlot: PointerSlot 
	class mk20_base_F;
	class Max_Shotgun_classic: mk20_base_F
		scope = 2;
		model = "\shootgun\shootgun.p3d";
		displayName = "Shotgun (Classic)";
	    author = "Maxjoiner";
		descriptionshort = "Classic Shotgun<br />Caliber: 12mm";
		picture = "\shootgun\data\shootgun_ca.paa";
		handanim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\shootgun\anim\M24.rtm"};
		magazines[] = {"MAX_6Rnd_Cal12"};
		reloadaction = "GestureReloadEBR";		
		dexterity = 1.8;
		class WeaponSlotsInfo: WeaponSlotsInfo
			mass = 120;
			class MuzzleSlot: SlotInfo
				linkProxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\MUZZLE";
				compatibleItems[] = {"muzzle_snds_M"}; 	
			class CowsSlot: CowsSlot
				access = 1;
				compatibleitems[] = {"optic_Arco", "optic_aco", "optic_ACO_grn", "optic_hamr", "optic_Holosight", "optic_MRCO"};
				displayname = "Optics Slot";
				linkproxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\TOP";
				scope = 0;			
			class PointerSlot: PointerSlot
				compatibleItems[] = {};
		modes[] = {"Single"};
		//reloadmagazinesound[] = {"\shootgun\sound\M1014-reload", 0.0562341, 1, 20};
		//value = 2;
		class Single: Single 
			begin1[] = {"shootgun\sound\sniper_single_03", 1.77828, 1, 1000};
			begin2[] = {"shootgun\sound\sniper_single_03", 1.77828, 1, 1000};
			dispersion = 0.00175;
			maxrange = 300;
			maxrangeprobab = 0.05;
			midrange = 150;
			midrangeprobab = 0.7;
			minrange = 2;
			minrangeprobab = 0.3;
			reloadtime = 1;
			soundbegin[] = {"begin1", 0.5, "begin2", 0.5};
			recoil = "recoil_single_primary_3outof10";
			recoilprone = "recoil_single_primary_prone_3outof10";
		class Max_Shotgun_police: max_shotgun_classic
		scope = 2;
		model = "\shootgun\shootgun1.p3d";
		displayName = "Shotgun (Police)";
	    author = "Maxjoiner";
		descriptionshort = "Police Shotgun<br />Caliber: 12mm";
		picture = "\shootgun\data\shootgun_ca.paa";
	class Max_Shotgun_SB: max_shotgun_classic
		scope = 2;
		model = "\shootgun\shootgun2.p3d";
		displayName = "Shotgun (Short Barrel)";
	    author = "Maxjoiner";
		descriptionshort = "Short Barrel Shotgun<br />Caliber: 12mm";
		picture = "\shootgun\data\shootgun_ca.paa";

However despite the errors messages the shotgun works fine...


Any Idea?

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Solved! ;)


new config:


class CfgWeapons

	class mk20_base_F;
	class max_shotgun_base : mk20_base_F {
		class WeaponSlotsInfo;	
		class Single;
		class Mode_SemiAuto;
		class Mode_Burst;
		class Mode_FullAuto;
		class FullAuto;
		class SlotInfo;
		class CowsSlot;
		class PointerSlot;

	class Max_Shotgun_classic: max_shotgun_base
		scope = 2;
		model = "\shootgun\shootgun.p3d";
		displayName = "Shotgun (Classic)";
	    	author = "Maxjoiner";
		descriptionshort = "Classic Shotgun<br />Caliber: 12mm";
		picture = "\shootgun\data\classic_ca.paa";
		handanim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\shootgun\anim\M24.rtm"};
		magazines[] = {"MAX_6Rnd_Cal12"};
		reloadaction = "ReloadMagazine";
		dexterity = 1.8;
		class WeaponSlotsInfo
			allowedslots[] = {901};
			mass = 120;
			class MuzzleSlot: SlotInfo
				linkProxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\MUZZLE";
				compatibleItems[] = {"muzzle_snds_M"}; 	
			class CowsSlot: CowsSlot
				access = 1;
				compatibleitems[] = {"optic_Arco", "optic_aco", "optic_ACO_grn", "optic_hamr", "optic_Holosight", "optic_MRCO"};
				displayname = "Optics Slot";
				linkproxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\TOP";
				scope = 0;			
			class PointerSlot: PointerSlot
				compatibleItems[] = {"acc_flashlight","acc_pointer_IR"};//"acc_flashlight","acc_pointer_IR"
		modes[] = {"Single"};
		reloadmagazinesound[] = {"shootgun\sound\M1014-reload", 2, 1, 20};//0.0562341, 1, 20
		value = 2;
		class Single : single 
			begin1[] = {"shootgun\sound\sniper_single_03", 1.77828, 1, 1000};
			begin2[] = {"shootgun\sound\sniper_single_03", 1.77828, 1, 1000};
			dispersion = 0.00175;
			maxrange = 300;
			maxrangeprobab = 0.05;
			midrange = 150;
			midrangeprobab = 0.7;
			minrange = 2;
			minrangeprobab = 0.3;
			reloadtime = 1;
			soundbegin[] = {"begin1", 0.5, "begin2", 0.5};
			recoil = "recoil_single_primary_3outof10";
			recoilprone = "recoil_single_primary_prone_3outof10";
		class Max_Shotgun_police: max_shotgun_classic
		scope = 2;
		model = "\shootgun\shootgun1.p3d";
		displayName = "Shotgun (Police)";
	    author = "Maxjoiner";
		descriptionshort = "Police Shotgun<br />Caliber: 12mm";
		picture = "\shootgun\data\police_ca.paa";
	class Max_Shotgun_SB: max_shotgun_classic
		scope = 2;
		model = "\shootgun\shootgun2.p3d";
		displayName = "Shotgun (Short Barrel)";
	    author = "Maxjoiner";
		descriptionshort = "Short Barrel Shotgun<br />Caliber: 12mm";
		picture = "\shootgun\data\shootgun_ca.paa";

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