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Predator: Ghost of Tanoa, Predator themed asymetrical PVP

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A team of commandos on a mission in a Tanoan jungle find themselves hunted by an extraterrestrial warrior.


Predator: Ghost of Tanoa is an assymetrical PVP mission for Arma 3 inspired by the film "Predator".


Armed with cloak, a "Plasma Caster" (grenade launcher), super jumps, unlimited sprint,  melee takedowns, and thermal/night vision, the predator must kill all of the humans.


The humans must GET TO DA CHOPPA! Alternatively the humans must kill the predator. Once they get in the chopper, they must fly it to the marked airport.


Humans are armed appropriately in theme with the film: 

-Dutch (Arnie), Colt Carbine w/ M203 w/ flashlight

-Poncho,  MP5 w/ M203S w/ flashlight and Tripwire Mines

-Dillon, MP5 w/ Flashlight and Medkit

-Mac, M60E4

-Blain, M134 "Ol' Painless" Minigun w/ flashlight and an MP5K Pistol

-Billy, Colt Carbine w/ flashlight and Thermal Binoculars

-Hawkins, MP5


If the predator is killed, the humans have roughly a minute to get 150 meters away to escape the predator's nuclear self destruct. If they kill him and survive the detonation, they win.




-Cloaked predator

-Map marker updates for human positions every 30 seconds (you cannot truly hide from the predator, escape, fight, or die!)

-super jump for predator (Wyatt's Jump Script)

-Melee takedown for predator (Zod's Takedown Script)

-Predator theme music

-3d sound , this includes predator clicking sounds from the predator's location, a "roar" and "laugh" taunt played from the predator location, and the song "Long Tall Sally" played from the helicopter when it takes off, harkening back to the film

-Accelerated day/night cycle, approximately 30 minute days


Remember, if it bleeds, we can kill it!


WARNING: The predator's gun is not cloaked! To be fully cloaked, put your gun in the backpack. If you want to have the ranged weapon equipped you must compromise your cloak by having an uncloaked gun. Unintentionally this helps with balance.


Also, to drop out of a tree when you get stuck in one as predator, prone and wiggle a bit. It's clunky but it works.


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