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Arma 3 COOP - Only in Apex?

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Hello. I've recently started looking into playing some COOP missions with friends in Arma 3, but as far as I can see that's only possible if we all purchase Apex? We can't join each other when we start a COOP Mission in Arma 3 and Evovle and Hamachi wont work for us. I've seen in Apex videos that when you start a COOP Mission you get into a lobby so it's really easy to start COOP missions. Did they seriously only add that in Apex, forcing us to purchase a 30£ Expansion just to play COOP? Or am I missing something?


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The coop campaign added with Apex is just for the people who bought it, though if you have any other coop missions you should just be able to play them. Instead of using hamachi or evolve try just port forwarding, there should be enough tutorials for that online. I usually just tick that UPNP thing and it works, I have no idea what it actually does though xd. It might have something to do with your firewall as well.

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Why not add it in Arma 3, with the lobby system and such that would work just like CS:GO's lobby system..

I need to log onto my router for that, right? Do you know if the password to log onto the router is reset if the router is reset?

Thanks JSD.

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Log onto the router for port forwarding? Probably, not too sure. Check out http://portforward.com/, should have a lot of info on how to. Are you trying to do a coop mission from within arma or using a seperate server? If you're using arma it might be worth it just ticking the upnp box and checking if it works that way, and if it does try changing some settings in windows firewall and trying again, that's how it works for me. I'm no expert or anything on this though. 

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no worries, hope it helped.

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Hosting a mission is very intuitive, search one coop mission in the workshop. At multiplayer, the last one option in the top called server is for host your own game. Put a name and a pass and select the mission and your friends should search it.

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Nah man, for a huge part of the community, COOP is where the fun is at. Most coop missions out there are made by the community though, check out the steam workshop or better yet, join a community.

It might seem like a huge step, but I promise you it'll be worth it. Head over to https://www.reddit.com/r/FindAUnit/or https://units.arma3.com to search for one! There are plenty of units around.

If your not interested in using mods, or want to play vanilla to start with, I also reccommend checking out FOLK.


As far as I know, they do not have any membership requirements or trainings, and there are no mods needed to play with them. 

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