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Simple aircraft bombing run on a specified location ?

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Hi Folks,

Is thee a way to simply have an aircraft simply fly over a specified location and drop its bomb load ? I did some searching and all I could find were some seemingly complex scripts for Arma 2...




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at the end of the above post is my mission...  it has aliascartoons napalm script, and u can call it from an addaction to an object(a phonebooth), then place two map markers wher u want drop and direction. (look at map to find it).

might not be the best where i messed with the code..and there is probably a better way of doing it, but it works on my server.  use whatever u want from it


aliascartoons napalm script


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Also, you can experiment with the Zeus bombing run module. If you don't need the aircraft for anything else, this might be just what you need. It's meant for use with Zeus, but I think it can also be placed in editor.

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Hi Folks,

Thanks for the responses... I'll take a look at both options - I've never used Zeus so I'll have to poke around... Yeah - a bit surprised it's not a basic option with just using the included waypoints in Eden...



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