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Col. Ben Sherman

No entry bin/config.bin/CfgWeapons.Burst' help

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Hello guys!


so I was working on my very first addon before this APEX update happened and broke it, and I've been waiting since then for some what a guide or explanation of how to fix this issue,


anyone that have more experience when it comes to configs that could tell me what's changed and what I need to do in order to get it t work again? Cheers!

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What is you addon. It varies slightly say if it is a house object vs a vehicle.

It looks like they did away with vehicle classes for static object types and they added a new class.

class editorcategory =

class editorsubcategory =

You will need both to properly list it in the new editor in the main config for the object. If you look in the a3/data_f folder and open the config you can see how it is done. Then check out a a config for a house and you'll see where to add the above class names.

For a vehicle it is slightly different. Maybe someone else can jump in on that. I'm still working through one of mine. I got it to work but I'll hold off tossing that info out yet since I'm not 100% yet on the details.

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What is you addon. It varies slightly say if it is a house object vs a vehicle.

It looks like they did away with vehicle classes for static object types and they added a new class.

class editorcategory =

class editorsubcategory =

You will need both to properly list it in the new editor in the main config for the object. If you look in the a3/data_f folder and open the config you can see how it is done. Then check out a a config for a house and you'll see where to add the above class names.

For a vehicle it is slightly different. Maybe someone else can jump in on that. I'm still working through one of mine. I got it to work but I'll hold off tossing that info out yet since I'm not 100% yet on the details.


Well currently it's a vehicle, all though I got more then just a vehicle that has this issue such as weapons and units which I think is directed to the weapons.


But yea, the main one I'm focused on right now it's the vehicle (Helicopter) and the weapons.


This is the config I got right now:

class Mode_SemiAuto;
class Mode_Burst;
class Mode_FullAuto;
class Burst;
class cfgAmmo
	class MissileBase;
	class Bulletbase;
	class M_PG_AT;
	class M_AT;
	class B_762x51_Ball;
	class B_127x99_SLAP_Tracer_Red;
	class B_762x51_Ball_EC: B_762x51_Ball
		cost = 1;
		hit = 14;
		caliber = 1.8;
		model = "\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red";
	class B_127x99_SLAP_EC: B_127x99_SLAP_Tracer_Red
		cost = 3;
		hit = 30;
		indirectHit = 0;
		indirectHitRange = 0;
		caliber = 3.4;
		deflecting = 10;
		typicalSpeed = 1215;
		airFriction = -0.00036;
		aiAmmoUsageFlags = "64 + 128 + 256";
	class M151_Ammo_EC: M_AT
		model = "EC\M151_fly";
		proxyShape = "EC\M151";
		cost = 75;
		irLock = 0;
		laserLock = 0;
		aiAmmoUsageFlags = "64 + 128";
		muzzleEffect = "BIS_fnc_effectFiredRocket";
		effectsMissileInit = "MissileDAR1";
	class LWIRCM_Ammo_EC: Bulletbase
		cost = 1;
		visibleFire = 0;
		audibleFire = 0;
		hit = 1;
		indirectHit = 0;
		indirectHitRange = 0;
		timeToLive = 0.1;
		thrustTime = 2;
		airFriction = -0.01;
		simulation = "shotCM";
		weaponLockSystem = "2 + 8";
		model = "\A3\weapons_f\empty";
		maxControlRange = -1;
		initTime = 0;
		aiAmmoUsageFlags = 8;
		soundFly[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound",0.1,1};
		supersonicCrackNear[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound",0,1,0};
		supersonicCrackFar[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound",0,1,0};
		effectsSmoke = "EmptyEffect";
	class EC_AGM_114K: MissileBase
		model = "EC\EC_AGM_114";
		proxyShape = "EC\EC_AGM_114_proxy";
		hit = 1100;
		indirectHit = 35;
		indirectHitRange = 8;
		cost = 500;
		maxSpeed = 450;
		airLock = 0;
		irLock = 0;
		laserLock = 1;
		maxControlRange = 8000;
		trackOversteer = 1;
		trackLead = 1;
		maneuvrability = 14;
		timeToLive = 20;
		simulationStep = 0.01;
		airFriction = 0.1;
		sideAirFriction = 0.3;
		initTime = 0;
		thrustTime = 3.25;
		thrust = 500;
		fuseDistance = 50;
		muzzleEffect = "BIS_fnc_effectFiredRocket";
		effectsMissileInit = "MissileDAR1";
		effectsMissile = "missile1";
		explosionEffects = "BombExplosion";
		weaponLockSystem = 4;
		manualControl = 0;
		whistleDist = 4;
		missileLockCone = 50;
		aiAmmoUsageFlags = "128 + 512";
	class DAGR_Ammo_EC: MissileBase
		model = "EC\EC_DAGR";
		proxyShape = "EC\EC_DAGR_proxy";
		hit = 300;
		indirectHit = 50;
		indirectHitRange = 6;
		cost = 100;
		maxSpeed = 720;
		irLock = 0;
		airLock = 0;
		laserLock = 1;
		maxControlRange = 8000;
		trackOversteer = 1;
		trackLead = 1;
		maneuvrability = 14;
		timeToLive = 20;
		simulationStep = 0.01;
		airFriction = 0.1;
		sideAirFriction = 0.3;
		initTime = 0.002;
		thrustTime = 1.57;
		thrust = 825;
		fuseDistance = 50;
		whistleDist = 4;
		muzzleEffect = "BIS_fnc_effectFiredRocket";
		effectsMissileInit = "MissileDAR1";
		effectsMissile = "missile1";
		explosionEffects = "ATMissileExplosion";
		weaponLockSystem = 4;
		manualControl = 0;
		missileLockCone = 50;
		aiAmmoUsageFlags = "64 + 128";

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Take the external references out from lines 20-23

class Mode_SemiAuto;
class Mode_Burst;
class Mode_FullAuto;
class Burst;

Get rid of them.

Actually, leave the class Mode_XYZ ones in, as I think they actually exist still but Burst isn't a default fire mode so simply try removing line 23

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Sorry for the delayed answer, but wow thanks a lot, I finally know how to solve it and what I did wrong to it.


Cheers man!

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