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LOD's for static object

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I created a plane object in blender.

It should be walkable for AI.




So far i got...

Custom LOD with distance 1.0 -no component. Do i need different distance LOD's for a simple object like this and have it to be a component too?

Geometry LOD with mass 1000.0 Vertex Group -component01
GeometryPhysX LOD Vertex Group -component02
Roadway LOD Vertex Group -component03
ShadowVolume LOD Vertex Group -component 04 but i don't realy know if i need that one?
Path LOD no component. have it to be a component too?


Now my question is, what LOD's do i need exactly for this object?

Is it right how i did it or do i need more LOD's?




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Your LOD only has 12 faces. You dont need resolution LOD for that (it's mentioned here as well)

Check out the A3 House Sample, what it contains and how it looks. (Steam library->Tools->Arma 3 Samples)


You do not have to name the components. Delete all the component names in physx LOD and Geo LOD  and let Objectbuilder do it for you (from wikipage:  TIP: Oxygen2/Objectbuilder can do ComponentXX naming automatically. [structures->Topology->Find Components]). Do that for all LOD containing the name "Geometry".

Roadway, Shadow and Path LOD do not need component. Roadway and Path LOD is special, check wikipage and also A3 sample.


I'm betting you want to use that for some "modular house/base building" thing. Be warned - every single object draws a certain performance. The more objects you have the worse it becomes. If you build a big building just from such tiny blocks, performance will be bad. If you build entire base with it, multiply by a gazillion.

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Ok i check the house sample.

Thank you for your help x3kj!


After i lost the data for my swamp map i work on a new one and want to try out something.

So this object is not for a base building system. ;)

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I can recommend (depends on using of this object) to do them same like eg. our pavements...


To do:

* No collision geometry (will not be obstacle for AI if it's placed in map - not in mission)

* Physx geometry

* View geometry

* Roadway

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