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Weird Connection Issue

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Basically my server has a possible issue with not allowing players to connect. For most people, they can connect to the server fine in any way, however some people are unable to direct connect or join through friends/invites, and the server shows as not responding. Some people with this issue are able to go onto the internet tab in the server browser, clear their filter and then the server will show and they can connect, despite not being able to direct connect. This only works for some people, others are still not able to join at all.


Really not sure what could be causing this as it seems to affect people randomly and for some people that have had this issue it just stopped happening and let them connect again after a random amount of time. I've never had this issue in the past and I have been able to connect fine myself so I can't really get many details unfortunately.


Server is running on a dedicated server, made sure all ports are forwarded etc. Basically using an identical setup (with config files for everything) to a server that was running on a different dedi and didn't have any of these issues, which is why I'm not really sure what to do.



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I had a simular issue and not that many players either. What worked for me was opening more ports. 2302 - 2332

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I had a simular issue and not that many players either. What worked for me was opening more ports. 2302 - 2332


Tried this, doesn't seem to make a difference.

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Still having this issue, not got anywhere with it unfortunately. Any advice would be appreciated.

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