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Custom Composition HeliPad

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I have made a custom composition. A landing pad with stairs for the side of mountains, buildings etc. I am having a real hard time getting an actual Land_HelipadSquare_F to stay on top of the Land_AirstripPlatform_01_F pieces I used for the structure.


See pics below. I need the helipad on top of the runway piece. Every time a helicopter spawns on this, it explodes, because its spawning below the structure.



LvohKw9.jpgI would love to get this landing pad off the hospital.


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turn off the snap to terrain feature inside Eden editor (its the two arrows pointing towards a solid line, to the right of the area scaling button), then the composition will spawn exactly as it was created. Or you could simply raise the helipad up to the correct level. You should probably make the heli spawn a bit higher than the pad itself so nothing clips through and causes it to explode.

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I have this script running:

 * Ambient helicopters by Skullfox
 * http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29210
 * https://bitbucket.org/Skullfox/ambient-helicopters
zp_heliInit = {
  	//extend this array with new helis
    _heliArray = ["C_Heli_light_01_ion_F","C_Heli_light_01_stripped_F","C_Heli_light_01_civil_F"];
    //extend this array with A1 & A2 helipads 
	_heliPadClasses = ["Land_HelipadSquare_F","Land_HelipadRescue_F","Land_HelipadCivil_F","Land_HelipadCircle_F","Land_HelipadEmpty_F"];
    _y = 0;
	_heliPads= nearestObjects[position server,_heliPadClasses,500000];

		_m = createMarker [str position _x, position _x];
        _m setMarkerType "mil_box";
		_m setMarkerColor "ColorGrey";
        _m setMarkerText format["Helipad - %1",_y];
        _y = _y + 1;
	} foreach _heliPads;
	_c = count  _helipads;
	_numbers = floor( _c / 2  );
	_linkedHelipads = [];
	for [{_i=0}, {_i< _numbers}, {_i=_i+1}] do
	    _index = _i;
	    _helipadStart = _helipads select _index;
	    _indexEnd = _index + _numbers;
	   _helipadEnd = _helipads select _indexEnd;
	    _linkedHelipads pushBack [_helipadStart,_helipadEnd];
	_y = 0;
    	_start = _x select 0;
        _end = _x select 1;
        _class = [_heliArray] call zp_selectHeliCiv; 
        _veh = _class createVehicle position _start;
        _veh setVariable ["zp_heliVars",[_start,_end,_class,_y],true];
            _veh = _this select 0;     
	            sleep 5;
	            if(damage _veh > 0.3)exitWith {
	                [_veh] call zp_resetHeli;
        createVehicleCrew _veh;

    		_m = createMarker [str position _start, position _start];
	        _m setMarkerType "mil_box";
			_m setMarkerColor "ColorGrey";
	        _m setMarkerText format["Helipad - %1 start",_y];
        	_r = str floor(((position _veh) select 0));
			_v = createMarker [_r, position _veh];
            _veh setVariable ["zp_heliDevMarker",[_r],true];
	        _v setMarkerType "c_air";
	        _v setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
	        _v setMarkerText format["Heli - %1 start",_y];
			[_v,_veh] call zp_addMarkerToHeli;

            _m = createMarker [str position _end, position _end];
	        _m setMarkerType "mil_box";
			_m setMarkerColor "ColorGrey";
	        _m setMarkerText format["Helipad - %1 end",_y];
        _y = _y + 1;
        [_veh,_start,_end,_y] call zp_startHeliTour;
	} foreach _linkedHelipads;  

 zp_addMarkerToHeli = {
	_v = _this select 0;
	_veh = _this select 1;
    [_v,_veh] spawn {

	    _v = _this select 0;
	    _veh = _this select 1;
        while{alive _veh} do {
			_v setMarkerPos getpos _veh;
      		 sleep 10;

zp_startHeliTour = {
    _vehicle = _this select 0;
    _startPad = _this select 1;
    _endPad = _this select 2;
    _id = _this select 3;
    sleep random(30);
    _vehicle domove getPos _endPad;
    _vehicle flyinheight random 200;
	_vehicle setSpeedMode "Full";
	_vehicle disableAi "TARGET"; 
	_vehicle disableAi "AUTOTARGET"; 
	_vehicle enableAttack false; 
	_vehicle setCombatMode "BLUE"; 
	_vehicle setBehaviour "CARELESS";
	_vehicle spawn { while {alive _this} do { player action ["lightOn",_this]; sleep 0.001};};
	_vehicle setCollisionLight true;
     [_endPad,_vehicle,_id,_startPad] spawn {

	    _endPad = _this select 0;
	    _vehicle = _this select 1;
		_id = _this select 2;
		_c = true;
		_startPad = _this select 3;
		_d = driver _vehicle; 
        while{alive _vehicle AND _c} do {
			sleep 5;
			_meters = _vehicle distance _endpad;
            if(_meters < 200)then{

				_c = false;
				dostop _vehicle;
				_vehicle land "LAND";
	            [_vehicle,_startPad,_endPad,_id] call zp_launchTime;

zp_launchTime = {
    _vehicle = _this select 0;
    _startpad = _this select 1;
    _endPad = _this select 2;
    _id = _this select 3;
    _timeoutBase =  60;
    _timeOutAdditional = floor (random 240);
    _timeout = _timeoutBase + _timeOutAdditional;
    _vehicle setfuel 1;
    sleep _timeout;
    if(_vehicle distance _endPad < 50 )then{
            [_vehicle,_endPad,_startpad,_id] call zp_startHeliTour;           
			[_vehicle,_startPad,_endPad,_id] call zp_startHeliTour;

zp_selectHeliCiv = {
    _heliArray = _this select 0;
    _c = count _heliArray; 
    _i = floor( random _c );
    _class = _heliArray select _i;

zp_resetHeli = {
    _veh = _this select 0;
	_vehOld = _veh;
    _vars = _veh getVariable "zp_heliVars";
    _start = _vars select 0;
    _end = _vars select 1;
    _class = _vars select 2;
    _id = _vars select 3;
        _varsmarker = _vehOld getVariable "zp_heliDevMarker"; 
        _m = _varsmarker select 0;
       	_m setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
        _m setMarkerType "hd_destroy";
	{ deleteVehicle _x } forEach (crew _veh); deleteVehicle _veh;
    _veh = _class createVehicle position _start;
    createVehicleCrew _veh;
    _veh setVariable ["zp_heliVars",[_start,_end,_class,_id],true];
     	_veh = _this select 0;    
            sleep 5;
            if(damage _veh > 0.3)exitWith {
                [_veh] call zp_resetHeli;
    sleep 5;
        _r = str floor(((position _veh) select 0));
		_v = createMarker [_r, position _veh];
        _v setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
        _v setMarkerText format["Heli - %1 start",_id];
    	[_v,_veh] call zp_addMarkerToHeli;
    	_veh setVariable ["zp_heliDevMarker",[_r],true];
    [_veh,_start,_end,_id] call zp_startHeliTour;

Ive placed about 16 helipads on the ground and they work fine. When I try and place them on the landing pad I made, even with using the snap terrain tool and translation to parallel; it still has the helo spawn on actual ground  (side of hill under airstrip) and explosions insue.


Thanks for the help.

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Did anyone solve this???

I've seen helipads on flat surfaces before:



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Still unresolved for me.


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