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SetCaptive not working at MP mission start

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Hi all, I'm trying to get a playable character starting with setcaptive true on a mission run on a dedicated server and haven't had any luck. I've tried putting "this setcaptive true;" into the unit's init and "[this setcaptive true] call BIS_fnc_MP;". Also tried setting it in the init.sqf. None of these options seems to work (along with quite a few methods I've forgotten!).  Also, how would I get a script that changes the unit to setcaptive false to run properly in a MP environment as well as a SP one? 

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This is the script I'm using to switch setcaptive to false when certain conditions are met: 
spook sideChat (format ["Compromised"]);

spotted = true; 
publicVariable "spotted";

[spook setcaptive false] call BIS_fnc_MP; 

_cooldownTimer = (60 + (random 60));
uiSleep _cooldownTimer; 

waituntil {
uiSleep 10; 
((2.2 > (INDEPENDENT knowsAbout spook)) && (2.2 > (EAST knowsAbout spook)));

spotted = false; 
publicVariable "spotted"; 
[spook setcaptive true] call BIS_fnc_MP; 

//["INS_HINT_EH",["You escaped."]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; 
spook groupChat (format ["Got away with it"]);

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help! 

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// Side chat to everyone.

[spook, "Compromised"] remoteExec ["sideChat"];

// Publicize spotted variable to true.

missionNamespace setVariable ["spotted", true, true];

// SetCaptive on spook where spook is local since setCaptive arguments are Local

[spook, false] remoteExec ["setCaptive", spook];

// Your timer thing.

_cooldownTimer = (60 + (random 60));

uiSleep _cooldownTimer;

// Your waituntil thing.

waituntil {

uiSleep 10;

((2.2 > (INDEPENDENT knowsAbout spook)) && (2.2 > (EAST knowsAbout spook)));


// Publicize spotted to false.

missionNamespace setVariable ["spotted", false, true];

// SetCaptive back to true.

[spook, true] remoteExec ["setCaptive", spook];

// Group chat to everyone.

[spook, "Got away with it!"] remoteExec ["groupChat"];

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Thank you!! I haven't tested yet but this looks perfect. Any ideas what the best way to execute this through a killed eventhandler? No worries about the handler itself, just wondering whether evecVM "sneakyscript.sqf"; would be fine of if it would be better to do it another way. 

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// Side chat to everyone.
[spook, "Compromised"] remoteExec ["sideChat"];

// Publicize spotted variable to true.
missionNamespace ["spotted", true, true]; 

// SetCaptive on spook where spook is local since setCaptive arguments are Local
[spook, false] remoteExec ["setCaptive", spook]; 

// Your timer thing.
_cooldownTimer = (60 + (random 60));
uiSleep _cooldownTimer; 

// Your waituntil thing.
waituntil {
	uiSleep 10; 
	((2.2 > (INDEPENDENT knowsAbout spook)) && (2.2 > (EAST knowsAbout spook)));

// Publicize spotted to false.
missionNamespace ["spotted", false, true];

// SetCaptive back to true.
[spook, true] remoteExec ["setCaptive", spook]; 

// Group chat to everyone.
[spook, "Got away with it!"] remoteExec ["groupChat"];


Not meaning to be pedantic, but:

missionNamespace ["spotted", true, true];
missionNamespace ["spotted", false, true];  


missionNamespace setVariable ["spotted", true, true]; 
missionNamespace setVariable ["spotted", false, true]; 
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Erm, yeah, what hally said. :)  Edited the post.  And of course missing setVariable is kinda critical. heh

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