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Adding pictures to diary entries?

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I can't find any documentation on the BIKI on this, which would suggest it's not possible.

But if I remember correctly, the diary entries added by Zeus intel entities could contain images.

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Apologies for being blind again, not sure how I didn't notice the image tag at the top of the page, as well as the example of its use at the bottom.

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I'm making a co-op mission and I have noticed when picking up "intel documents" it will display my content (as seen below) but only for the player that retrieves the intel.


object init
data = [this,"RscAttributeDiaryRecord",["Military R&D Support Documents","Testing next-generation armoured vehicles. The Independent have been given schematics and funding to test a new heavy armoured vehicle. We want you to find out who is providing and supporting the Independent.",""]] call bis_fnc_setServerVariable; 

I have this placed in the init for the object, 

My question is, is the a way to set the intel that shows up on the map for all players?


would this example be what I'm looking for?

this setVariable ["recipients", west, true];

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