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Eden - vehicle configuration

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Is is posible to configure vehicles (remove or add doors, roll bars, etc.) that have that feature in the Arsenal anywhere inside the Ede editor?

The only feature that's changeable so far seems o be skins.


If modification of vehicles is not possible inside eden. how can I import a saved vehicle configuration into Eden editor?


I want to emulate a fire department vehicle. It is easy to achive in the arsenal by adding a police lightbar to a red offroad pickup.

I just have no clue how to import that into the editor

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Until it gets properly integrated into Eden you can do it this way.
Place the vehicle down.

With the vehicle selected bring up the debugconsole( default key is ` next to the number 1 - although this may differ dependant on language )

Run the code below..

garageVeh = get3DENSelected "object" select 0;
["Open",[false,garageVeh]] call BIS_fnc_garage3DEN;

The garage should open and you can choose the settings you like or load some you have already saved.

Once back in the editor the vehicle should have your changes applied for you.

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