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RscObject / CT_OBJECT questions

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I have 3 questions about the rscObject / CT_OBJECT:


1. How i can enable/disable the moving of the Object with the mouse?

2. Which variable sets the position on the screen? (i need my object on the top right corner)

3. Can i set the Texture of the Object afterwards? (for example a weapon with a new skin)


Thats my code and i never worked with ui objects before...

		class Test
			idc = 5004;
			type = 82;
			enableZoom = 0;
			zoomDuration = 0.001;
			inBack = 1;
			scale="0.47 * 0.875 * (SafeZoneW Min SafeZoneH)";
			xBack = 0.5;
			yBack = 0.5;
			zBack = 1.2;
			x = 0.5;
			y = 0.5;
			z = 0.2;

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		class Test
			idc = 5004;
			type = 82;
			movingEnable = false;    // true to enable moving dialog with mouse
			enableZoom = 0;
			zoomDuration = 0.001;
			inBack = 1;
			scale="0.47 * 0.875 * (SafeZoneW Min SafeZoneH)";
			xBack = 0.5;
			yBack = 0.5;
			zBack = 1.2;
			// x and y are the position on the screen.
			// current x and y put the top left corner of the object into the top left corner of the screen.
			// Use z in addition to scale to fine tune the size/ zoom of the object
			x = 0 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
			y = 0 * safezoneH + safezoneY;			
			z = 2;

As for the texture. Each object has a base model(.p3d). When the object is actually created in game, then it adds the texture it's supposed to or told to by scripting. In a dialog you are just displaying the base model and not creating the object so it's appearance cannot be changed. This is as far as I know and would love if someone could prove me wrong, and show me how to do it.

Also, feel free to check out my GUI tutorial https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189494-gui-tutorial-and-simple-vehicle-selector-release/

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Yea thank you!

The problem is that i tired to add some vehicles as objects but they (like you said) have only the base texture (offroad is red everytime). I wanted to create my loadout menu with a weapon preview but i think thats not working if i cant change the texture.....



EDIT: I added onObjectMoved = "(_this select 0) ctrlEnable false" to deactivate the moving of the object / mouse.

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You could locally spawn the weapon in a weaponholder set to the screenToWorld position instead.



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