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Dialog Slider Issue, Can't Enforce the Particular Increments Desired

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Hey All,


(I looked in the forum backlogs to see if this has been answered before but couldn't find anything similar.)


I've created a script that places a target a distance away in 25 meter increments for range practice.  I'm currently using a dialog with many buttons on it to change the distance.


It is completely functional but also looks pretty poor:



I'd like to use a slider instead.  I've created a rough dialog for it and the left and right arrows work great and properly increment by 25 on each click... but when I click on or move the mouse along the slider... it completely abandons the 25 meter increments.


Please see the following GIF where I illustrate this: 



Can you help me force the slider to only increment by 25 no matter where the mouse clicks or moves along it?  Here's the relevant code I have:



class RscSlider

idc = -1;
style = "0x400 + 0x10";
type = 43;
shadow = 0;
color[] = {1,1,1,0.4};
colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
colorDisabled[] = {0.5,0.5,0.5,0.2};
arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\arrowFull_ca.paa";
border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\border_ca.paa";
thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\slider\thumb_ca.paa";
x = 0.304062 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
y = 0.511 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
w = 0.391875 * safezoneW;
h = 0.044 * safezoneH;



class range_distance_slider_wsl: RscSlider

idc = 1900;
//onMouseClick = "";   I've not used these but I'm betting they are somehow involved in the solution...
//onMouseMoving = "";
onSliderPosChanged = "_sliderpos = sliderPosition 1900; ctrlSetText [1901,str _sliderpos];"



_handle1 = createdialog "range_distance_slider";

sliderSetRange [1900, 25, 2000];
sliderSetPosition [1900, 25];
sliderSetSpeed [1900, 25, 1];


Thanks for reading!  





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can't you use lbSetData or something and then work on from that?

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I've almost got it figured out using straight-up math.  It works but I have a secondary problem that the slider and the text control in the dialog do not retain/remember the number where they are left.  See below for my code additions, what it looks like now, and the last error I'm trying to work out.



class range_distance_slider_wsl: RscSlider
idc = 1900;
onSliderPosChanged = "_sliderPos = sliderPosition 1900; _makeWhole = round _sliderPos; _divideBy25 = (_makeWhole / 25); _makeWholeAgain = round _divideBy25; _final_multiplyBy25 = _makeWholeAgain * 25; ctrlSetText [1901,str _final_multiplyBy25]; _nul = [_this] execVM ""targeting\change_rangetarget_distance_slider.sqf""";

_fullParameter = _this select 0;
_sliderPos  = _fullParameter select 1;
_makeWhole = round _sliderPos;
_divideBy25 = (_makeWhole / 25);
_makeWholeAgain = round _divideBy25;
_finalMultiplyBy25 = _makeWholeAgain * 25;
temp_Distance_Adjust = _finalMultiplyBy25;



_handle1 = createdialog "range_distance_slider"; 

sliderSetRange [1900, 25, 2000];
sliderSetSpeed [1900, 25, 25];
waitUntil { !dialog };


I'm doing the calculation twice... once in distance_dialog_slider.hpp to show the real-time value in the textbox control... and a second time in change_rangetarget_distance_slider.sqf to take the actual value and plug it into a setpos command later in the code.


It looks really good now:



But it doesn't retain the values.  Help!   :)





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But it doesn't retain the values.  Help!



it's not supposed to. you need to reset the values after opening the dialog.


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You don't really need first round. I also don't see a reason to have that change_rangetarget_distance_slider.sqf file since it only sets variable (isn't it possible from onSliderPosChanged?).

I would do something like:


dialog's onLoad:

// don't use first two lines in call_distance_dialog_slider.sqf
sliderSetRange [1900, 25, 2000];
sliderSetSpeed [1900, 25, 25];
sliderSetPosition [1900, temp_Distance_Adjust]
ctrlSetText [1901, str temp_Distance_Adjust];


temp_Distance_Adjust = 25 * (round ((_this select 1) / 25));
ctrlSetText [1901, str temp_Distance_Adjust];
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Awesome, I fixed it!


I added an OnLoad event to my distance_dialog_slider.hpp and an additional SQF file:




class range_distance_slider
onLoad= "_this execVM 'onLoadInit.sqf'";
class controls 
//yadda, yadda, yadda...




_display = _this select 0; // onload sends [display] as argument
ctrlSetText [1901,str temp_Distance_Adjust];
sliderSetPosition [1900, temp_Distance_Adjust];


Hope this helps the next scripter!   :)





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Thanks for that gc8, helped confirm what I needed to research next.


And thanks pedeathtrian, I really do appreciate you showing me where to tighten up code.  Everything I've learned is self-taught so it's all pretty much un-optimized... it works but it is all homemade "first iteration" code.  I'll definitely make those changes!


Here's the near-final product:



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