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Join in progress help or example

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I have been trying to create a mission that allows players to join at the start of the mission or the end. I attempted to write a JIP function that when a client joined, the server would send the client the requested variables, but have been unsuccessful in my attempts. I also tried to find examples but many are out of date, for Arma 2 or URLs from forums/sites to others' forums/sites are dead and not leading me anywhere.


I was wondering if anyone knew of a tutorial or could help me figure out how to do / handle JIP players.


I'm not looking at doing a lot just when a player joins the server at the start or during the mission, the server sends the client needed variables for the mission and best ways of sending variables to/from server/client. I've read that using publicVariable was bad and to use BIS_FNC_MP and vice versa.


So any help or direction would be greatly appreciated as the documentation for the Arma scripting language is not all there or is a bit lacking in examples.



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Any variables broadcast with the publicVariable command will be sent to future clients upon their connection. And no command is 'bad' unless excessively used.

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I have been trying to create a mission that allows players to join at the start of the mission or the end. I attempted to write a JIP function that when a client joined, the server would send the client the requested variables, but have been unsuccessful in my attempts. 


You should post your attempts up so others can help.

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if(isServer) then
	diag_log "[DEBUG] Starting Mission Server Init";
	[] execVM "Server\init.sqf";

true spawn
	if(!isDedicated) then {	
		titleText ["Please wait for your player to setup", "BLACK", 0];
		waitUntil {player == player};
		client_initEH = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {removeAllWeapons (_this select 0);}];

if(!isDedicated) then
	waitUntil {player == player};
	_ownedDLCs = getDLCs 1;
        //if(332350 in _ownedDLCs) then { hasMarksmanDLC = true;};

	[] execVM "Client\init.sqf";

Client's Init.sqf

playerCompiledScripts = false;
playerSetupComplete = false;
player call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Client\PlayerVariables.sqf";
player call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Client\PlayerVariableFunctions.sqf";
player call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Client\clientCompile.sqf";

0 = ["player","ai","allsides"] execVM "Client\player_markers.sqf";

waitUntil {player == player && !isNil{PlayArea}};
waitUntil {time > 2};

player call playerSetup;
waitUntil {playerSetupComplete};

if(!isNil "client_initEH") then {player removeEventHandler ["Respawn", client_initEH];};
player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {[_this] call playerRespawn;}];
player addEventHandler ["Killed", {[_this select 0,_this select 1] call playerKilled;}];

[] execVM "Client\playerHUD.sqf";



// Just one example of PV

"PlayArea" addPublicVariableEventHandler 
	private ["_arr","_pt","_rad"];
	_arr = _this select 1; 
	_pt = _arr select 0;
	_rad = _arr select 1;
	CenterPoint = _pt;
	CenterRadius = _rad;

Server Init.sqf

call compile preProcessFile "server\functions.sqf";
call compile preProcessFile "server\ai_Functions.sqf";
call compile preProcessFile "server\unitFunctions.sqf";
call compile preProcessFile "server\privateVariables.sqf";
call compile preProcessFile "server\publicVariables.sqf";
call compile preProcessFile "server\publicVariableEventHandlers.sqf";

PlayArea = [Paros,1000];

diag_log "[DEBUG] Broadcasting play area to clients";
publicVariable "PlayArea";

// Rest of setup down here

There's some code. I used PV to announce where the mission will be taking place to the client. However if a new client joins later, they don't get the PlayArea variable passed to them even though they have null/nil values set initially. I am not sure if its due to nothing being called OnPlayerConnected perhaps or the client side variable isnt initialized before the server sends it?


I can add more of my code I use, but I didn't want to make too long of a reply nor add non-relevant code.

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