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Make a Kajman not fire at player.

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Alrighty it's not as simple as it sounds.
I want it firing on other BLUFOR units but not the player.
But I want CSAT and AAF units besides that Kajman firing on the player.
I have tried: doTarget, doFire, setcaptive, a few custom scripts.
None work, the kajman is persistent to fire on the player. The Kajman was put into a unitplay and unitplayfire which work fine.
The gunner is the problem.
If I can remove the gunner with the gun still firing on the location I fly by then that would work.
Thx in advance.

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I tried, it still doesn't work.
Is there a way to have it fire just at a game logic?

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If the player is all alone in his group you can set him captive.

Other than that no idea.



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I tried, it still doesn't work.

Is there a way to have it fire just at a game logic?


That really should do the trick.


Just thought of something; are you using the 'reveal' command too? You might need to use that in conjunction with the doTarget, doWatch, doFire and all that jazz.

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I haven't used the reveal command before, is it just: this reveal unit1; or something?

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The last thing I might try is setting all AAF to CSAT, and then setting the Kajman to AAF and have AAF set allied to both sides.

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Ok the setting the Kajman to AAF did the trick! It no longer fires on the player and fires on the game logic, I guess it was just because it saw the player running in the open so the pilot told the gunner to shoot the player;

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