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Travis Butts

Blender to Object Builder - Shadow Issue?

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I tend to run into this issue when using Arma Toolbox in blender and exporting into a p3d. When I bring it in to object builder opens fine but when I view in bulldozer it darkens the model with like a shadow affect which makes it hard to texture as you can barley see them. Doesn't look like this in-game as I have done models in the past dealing with this darkness but wanted to just solve it. Everybody that models in blender that I've talked to runs into same issue. Any help would be much appreciated. 







Travis Butts

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press F5 to recalculate normals

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Just to add to Pufu's advice.


The toolbox doesn't recalculate the normals. So that's still a required step in O2PE/Object builder. Run through all your res and view lods lods and hit F5. Anything that would be visible to the player needs the normals corrected. This doesn't include geometry, memory, land contact etc.

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You guys are absolute legends :)



press F5 to recalculate normals


Just to add to Pufu's advice.


The toolbox doesn't recalculate the normals. So that's still a required step in O2PE/Object builder. Run through all your res and view lods lods and hit F5. Anything that would be visible to the player needs the normals corrected. This doesn't include geometry, memory, land contact etc.

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