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i have a script here that checks if a player is connected to an object named uav, but instead of checking one; how can i make it check 2 or more object? sort of like [uav, uav1]. i already tried this it didnt work, it said generic error.

((player == UAVControl uav select 0) && (isplayer _x) && (uav in thisList))} count allUnits > 0";};};

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Untested, but maybe something like this:

{_player = _x; {(_player == UAVControl (_x select 0)) && (_x in thisList)} count [uav,uav1] > 0} count allPlayers > 0

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Try this:

{_player = _x; {getConnectedUAV _player == _x} count [uav,uav1] > 0} count allPlayers > 0

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Why not just use:

_myConnectedUAV = getConnectedUAV player;

And compare _myConnectedUAV to your list if you need to see if it's one of those.

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Why not just use:

_myConnectedUAV = getConnectedUAV player;

And compare _myConnectedUAV to your list if you need to see if it's one of those.

Just saw those commands :).

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Why not just use:

_myConnectedUAV = getConnectedUAV player;
And compare _myConnectedUAV to your list if you need to see if it's one of those.

I'm not very good at writing code so could you help me out by showing me how do it

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