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1.60 Issue with New Respawn Menu AFTER Save/Resume

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The new respawn menu stops initializing after resuming a  mission. Instead of the menu appearing you just respawn at the base.


Here is the error being thrown when dying after a "resume":


23:39:05 Error in expression <ontrolsMap_shown") || (time > 1)};
if !(BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_shown) then {
23:39:05   Error position: <BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_shown) then {
23:39:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_rscrespawncontrolsmap_shown
23:39:05 File A3\functions_f\respawn\fn_showRespawnMenu.sqf, line 53


The new respawn menu appears and works fine as long as you do not save and resume a mission.

BIS please fix so new respawn menu is compatible with save/resume as the old respawn menu was working fine in 1.58.

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*Update* - also...after a save/resume and then dying...sometimes instead of getting the error posted above, this will happen:


The map screen will open upon dying (without the re-spawn menu however) and then you need to end-task the game as there's no way out of the map screen at that point.

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anyone know of a work-around for this bug, that would allow me to keep using the new respawn menu system after a "resume"?

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I'm afraid we need to wait a fix from BI. When you resume, you just load a .save file . It's not a complete mission start with init files running. So, all your added scripts shouldn't work. BIS_RscRespawnControlsMap_shown is probalbly a variable false/true and BI omitted to set it for the resume cases. Probably nil when you resume. If someone can find a way to set it to false (or true) before resuming...

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...was just hoping for maybe a line of code to place into either my init or even some temp event handler maybe that would get saved during my auto-save scripts that on a resume the missing info would still be there...figuring it out for myself is just beyond what I can do right now...don't have nearly the time or inclination I used to.


It would at least be nice to know if BIS sees this and are aware the issue exists and will be fixed, etc.

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...still can't use the respawn menu after resuming a saved mission. Crashes Arma 3 map screen with no way out but to CTRL+Alt+Del end-task the game.

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