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DLC Files from Dedicated Server != Client Files

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i noticed the following post about mods and Steam. I also noticed the big support and engagement of BIS_Wizard, a member of the BI Developer Team. Maybe now it's time to ask for something about Steam / Arma 3, because I think BIS_Wizard is the right man for this! ;) I also checked the Forum first, but I couldn't find an existing post about this problem. 


Following problem:

If I download my Server with the Steam CMD with the following command, 

%STEAMPATH%\steamcmd.exe +login %STEAMLOGIN% %STEAMPW% +force_install_dir %A3serverPath%\ +"app_update %A3serverBRANCH%" validate +quit

and run the Server, you find the Server with a RED Circle in the Server Browser. All official BI Server are also faced with this problem. 






And yes, I disabled all custom Mods, verified my Steam/Arma3 cache and tried a lot of redownloads of the dedicated Server (logged in as anonymous and I tried it with my private Steam Account too). So I tried to google this issue... A lot of people don't care about this, BUT if your server is RED and not GREEN, less users connect. Of course, you can connect, but it is RED and not GREEN.  :huh:


I found a dirty workaround, download the Stable Client and then copy the DLC folders (mark, kart, heli, curator) to the Server Folder and overwrite the server files with the client files. Only one stupid thing with this workaround - if you download the client, you need a Steam Account with Arma 3 (ok, that's no problem :D). But steam will also download all subscribed Mods and that are a lot of mods....


So I have three questions: 

  1. Is it possible to deliver the same files for client/dedicated Server or whitelist the client files for dedicated Servers, so that the Server shows up with a GREEN dot in the Server Browser?
  2. Is it possible to disable the automatic mod download for the Client Download over Steam CMD? (You cant change something there right? Because it's Valves thing? But i ask you anyway - maybe it's possible)
  3. Should I open a new ticket (feedback.bistudio.com)?

If there is an easy solution, please tell me that magic stuff. If you need any further information, feel free to contact me. Thanks for reading!

Internal Armajunkies Ticket: https://armajunkies.atlassian.net/browse/AJWL-76 


Greetings from Bavaria,


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Great! There are no longer red dots since some months. Anyway, the dot is not GREEN. It just changed from RED to a Green Dot with a question mark. The launcher shows a green dot. With the dirty workaround from above, I am able to change it to a green dot. Is that behavior intended? 


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