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MGI Tactical Pack v3 updated

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Hi all, I modified some tools in this add-on.
- colors of icons are now more consistent with some situations encountered on many servers (wasteland, Invade & Annex, BMR...)
- prisoners' behaviors are slightly modified also;
- changed auto-zooming priorities for GPS;
- added permanent possibility to complete healing when player has more than 3 FAK;

... and some other stuffs you can discover now, reading the complete documentation (pdf file in add-on folder).

WIP: French documentation.

Downloadable on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=673533220
Have fun!

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is the mod still active?

this mod is awesome, specially the recruitment part. i've tested other recruit unit mods, there is always glitched on the recruited unit  :( (units will always crawl, get on their knees, always ready weapon up, will not run, etc..)
yours is perfect they will automatically get in formation, no glitched so far,

can you make the hotkeys customization? there is conflict with hot keys of others mods i use,
also, not sure but is the fatigue and load already loaded? because when i loaded this mod the fatigue bar is gone and i can run even my load is full, even though i have not yet turned on the option,
can you make this optional and not loaded automatically?
and make ESC will close menu   :D ,

thanks for the awesome MOD 



found the culprit for the no fatigue, it was another MOD ,  :D

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Hi pierremgi,

I'm an admin of the [NAK] I&A community. Your V2 mod has been very popular among our players. However, I was sad when I found out V3 has global scripts in it which prevent our players from using it. I was wondering if there was a way to just use the parts that don't have global scripts in it like the V2 version.

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Your best bet is to use Rivatuner Statistics which comes with MSI Afterburner. Not only do you get FPS, but other statistics like CPU/GPU/RAM  usage/temps/core clocks/ememory clocks and FPS.  




can u add 
Display FPS (color coded indicator)


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thanks for the reply,  solved my Display FPS, 



can marker be added for dead body,


sometimes it's frustrating, spending time roaming an area to locate the body i just killed, to loot it.

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