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Syntax error in counting array?

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Hello, I'm trying to activate a trigger and have an integer passed by using the count command and deteremining the number of vehicles left alive. However I'm running into a syntax error, I've checked the count and array page but I'm abit lost on what exactly I'm doing incorrect.

[] spawn
waitUntil {
	sleep 1; 
	time > 0;
waitUntil {
	sleep 10; 
	(!alive refinery) && (alive mi24);
hint "It worked!";
deleteVehicle mi24;
[helo] call DAC_Activate;

[] spawn
waitUntil {
	sleep 1; 
	time > 0
waitUntil {
	sleep 10; 
	(!alive refinery)
_cnt = {alive _x} count thisList [hmmv_1,hmmv_2,hmmv_3,hmmv_4];
if (_cnt == 0) then 
	exitWith{hint "There's less than 0 Humvees"};
	_values = ["vic_reinf",[19,0,0,0],[],[_cnt,4,1,15],[],[],[1,1,8,0,2]];
	[[5219.493,6786.812,0],40,40,0,0,_values] call DAC_fNewZone;
	{deletevehicle _x} forEach thisList [hmmv1,hmmv2,hmmv3,hmmv4];
	[vick_reinf] call DAC_Activate;	
	hint "Humvees activated";

The .rpt tells me that the highlighted line is incorrect.

16:16:06 Error in expression <ry)
_cnt = {alive _x} count thisList [hmmv_1,hmmv_2,hmmv_3,hmmv_4];
if (_cnt >
16:16:06   Error position: <[hmmv_1,hmmv_2,hmmv_3,hmmv_4];
if (_cnt >
16:16:06   Error Missing ;

What is the correct method of using count to determine this using an array?

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would it just be 

_cnt = {alive _x} count [hmmv_1,hmmv_2,hmmv_3,hmmv_4];


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would it just be 

_cnt = {alive _x} count [hmmv_1,hmmv_2,hmmv_3,hmmv_4];


It would appear you're correct. It seems I misunderstood thisList, I assumed it was to specify arrays. Upon re-reading it just means all units in a trigger's radius?


However now it tells me

16:52:06 Error in expression <0and%20Kings.lingor3\alivecheck.sqf"
[] spawn
waitUntil {
sleep 1; 
time > 0;
16:52:06   Error position: <spawn
waitUntil {
sleep 1; 
time > 0;

Looking at another example

[] spawn
waitUntil {something};
hint "cache 1 is down";

[] spawn
waitUntil {something different thats possible at the same time};
hint "cache 2 is down";

It looks right?


EDIT: Woops! I forgot to enclose it in brackets as a new scheduled script. 

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