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Game crashing because #include in description.ext

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So recently I had a issue where I want to start a new server and game crashes. And it was saying something about CBA than I posted on their forum and we sorted it out. 

I was starting vanilla game but I was getting CBA issue and it was because of the missions which required CBA in them,so removed all  the missions from my MP Missions folder and I was able to launch the game and create new server in multiplayer.

Now today i edited official Helicopter support mission and just added RHS units to change CSAT and NATO didn't touch any scripts and now when I try to host MP mission game crashes and I get errors 

 "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramWeather.hpp"   (if i remove this one from description.ext the one below crashes the game etc.)

This one`s are in Description.ext and I checked game files and all the .hpp files are there where in that path.

#include "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramWeather.hpp"
#include "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramRespawnTicketsNoDisabled.hpp"
#include "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramDebugConsole.hpp"
#include "\a3\functions_f\Params\paramDaytimeHour.hpp"
#include "\a3\Functions_F_Heli\Params\paramViewDistance.hpp"

Now when i remove all those #include from description.ext game is not crashing I can start the mission but some stuff is not working.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzLkt_HLKRbkSXQxUkRPSW53T2s/view (here is the mission file if somebody wants to try it out and see are they having same issue  MOD`s RHS Russian and US ,MELB Littlebird )

Here is my LOG file

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzLkt_HLKRbkSkRIZm1sOUFXUW8(when game was crashing)

Hope everybody understands me english is not my first language
And thank you for any help :)

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thank you for the feedback. Could you please send me rest of the crashdump files (bidmp+mdmp, they should have same timestamp as the log that you have provided)?


You can upload them to google drive and send me a link via PM or post it here (whichever of these options suits you).


Thank you

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Hello,thank you for the reply.

I sent files in message hope it helps

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